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References (15 in Portal)
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G Dai, MKP De, R Lee An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 2009
The popularity of executive coaching has increased dramatically in both the practitioner world and academia during the past decade. However, evaluating the effectiveness of coaching has lagged behind. Executive coaching is a multi-disciplinary practice, and professionals from many different scholarly backgrounds provide coaching services....
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WJG Evers, A Brouwers, W Tomic Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2006
Coaching has become an important managerial instrument of support. However, there is lack of research on its effectiveness. The authors conducted a quasi-experimental study to figure out whether coaching really leads to presupposed individual goals. Sixty managers of the federal government were divided in two groups: one group followed a ...
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D McKenna, SL Davis Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Sc... 2009
We propose that I/O psychologists who coach executives have overlooked psychotherapy outcome research as a source of information and ideas that can be used to improve our executive coaching practices. This research, based on thousands of studies and many meta-analyses, has converged on the conclusion that four ‘‘active ingredients’’ accou...
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AM Grant, J Passmore, M Cavanagh, HM Parker, others Wiley-Blackwell 2010
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AM Grant, L Curtayne, G Burton The Journal of Positive Psychology 2009
In a randomised controlled study, 41 executives in a public health agency received 360-degree feedback, a half-day leadership workshop, and four individual coaching sessions over 10 weeks. The coaching used a cognitive-behavioural solution-focused approach. Quantitative and qualitative measures were taken. This is the first published rand...
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DC Feldman, MJ Lankau Journal of management 2005
The use of executive coaching as a developmental intervention for managers has increased dramatically during the past decade. Consequently, there has been a burgeoning practitioner literature on the topic of executive coaching. Empirical research on executive coaching, however, has lagged far behind, and theoretical work on the processes ...
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P Winum Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005
This case study chronicles the coaching and development partnership among a consulting psychologist, a high-potential African American executive who was faltering in his role as the head of a regional division of a Fortune 500 company, and the principal stakeholders in that executive's work environment. The presentation format incorporate...
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GB Spence, AM Grant The Journal of Positive Psychology 2007
Few studies have investigated the impact of life coaching on self-regulated behavior and well-being. A limitation of past studies has been their reliance on peer rather than professional coaches. The present randomized controlled study compared peer with professional life coaching over a 10-week period with 63 participants. Results indica...
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J Passmore, M Velez The Coaching Psychologist. 2012
The issue of coaching as a potential learning methodology has been highlighted by a European Union task force (HERMES, 2010) and has been the subject of a number of research papers over the past two years. This paper reports the results from a RCT study of coaching with fleet drivers based on a sample of 327 participants, and ...
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GP Latham Australian Psychologist 2007
To date the coaching literature has been dominated by practitioner contributions, and the commercial coaching industry itself has been significantly influenced by simplistic folk psychology and pseudoscientific approaches. There has been a paucity of solid theory and empirical research. Advances in industrial/organisational psychology oft...
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S Kochanowski, C Seifert, G Yukl Journal of Leadership \& Organizational Studies 2010
A field experiment was conducted to assess whether coaching would enhance the effectiveness of a feedback workshop for store managers in a regional supermarket chain. The experimental group of managers received individual coaching several weeks after attending a feedback workshop. The control group of managers also attended a feedback wor...
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K Gyllensten, S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2005
Work related stress is causing concern and is having negative effects on individuals and organisations
(HSE, 2001). Various interventions are used to reduce workplace stress but this paper proposes that coaching
can be effective
in tackling stress.
Coaching is becoming increasingly
popular and is viewed positively
the corp...
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L Green, L Oades, A Grant The Journal of Positive Psychology 2006
Research is in its infancy in the newly emerging field of coaching psychology. This study examined the effects of a 10-week cognitive-behavioral, solution-focused life coaching group programme. Participants were randomly allocated to a life coaching group programme (n = 28) or a waitlist control group (n = 28). Participation in the life...
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AM Grant Wiley-Blackwell 2013
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S Green, AM Grant, J Rynsaardt International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
Objective: To extend the knowledge base on the use of life coaching as an applied positive psychology.
Studies to date have utilised community samples with participants of varying ages and most research has
used adult community samples. The present study is unusual in that it examined the efficacy of an
evidence-based (cognitive-behavi...
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J Passmore, T Theeboom Coaching Psychology:Meta-theoretical perspectives and applic... 2015
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