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References (4 in Portal)
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Coaches’ experience of critical moments in the coaching.

A Day, E de Haan, C Sills, E Blass International Coaching Psychology Review 2008

This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research study into critical moments in the coaching relationship. Interviews were completed with a total of 28 experienced coaches. The research highlighted that critical moments are unforeseen and characterised by intense emotions and anxiety within the coaching relationship. These momen...

Cites in Google Scholar: 126
Literature review of coaching supervision

B Moyes International Coaching Psychology Review 2009

Purpose and Methods: It is an interesting paradox that although coaches are expected to have supervision, little is known about coaching supervision. Coaching supervision has its roots in supervision in the therapeutic disciplines. The aim of this paper is to explore some of the key themes in the literature on supervision in those disc...

Cites in Google Scholar: 57
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Coaching Supervision: A Paper Prepared for the CIPD Coaching Conference

P Hawkins, G Schwenk Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2006

The coaching industry is growing fast and is making an important contribution to learning in the workplace. The CIPD’s 2006 learning and development survey showed that nearly eight in ten respondents were using coaching activities in one form or another, and a similar number were seeking to develop an organisational culture characterised ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 19
A review of research into business coaching supervision

S Joseph Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2016

A systematic search of the coaching literature for original peer-reviewed studies into business coaching supervision yielded seven research reports. Evaluation of these studies showed them to be low in the reporting of methodological rigour. However, as an emerging area of research with great importance for the development of the professi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 25
Large-scale survey of trust and safety in coaching supervision: Some evidence that we are doing it right

E de Haan International Coaching Psychology Review 2017

Objectives: There is increasing interest in supervision across the executive and workplace coaching professions, and so it is worth exploring whether promised bene ts can be demonstrated. A large-scale empirical survey was conducted into the satisfaction, trust and vulnerability of coaching supervisees. Results are compared with those tha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 35
Citations (1 in Portal)
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817 KB
ICF Supervision Literature Review 2017

J Tkach, J DiGirolamo International Coach Federation 2017

This report is an update on the state of coaching supervision for 2017. For a comparison to last year’s report, please see Tkach and DiGirolamo (2017). We examined a total of 16 academic and industry research articles on coaching supervision and five academic articles on clinical supervision published between 2016 and 2017. The research p...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
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