References (17 in Portal)
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T Bachkirova Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2015
This article describes an exploratory study aimed at investigating factors contributing to the phenomenon of self-deception in coaches. Six experienced coaching supervisors were interviewed in accordance with the Conceptual Encounter research methodology. The results are presented in a model of self-deception in coaches. The model consist...
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D DeFilippo 2013
The rapid growth of the executive coaching field has led to questions about coach credentialing, coaching methodology and continuing professional development and, as a result, the practice of coach supervision has emerged as one way to address these uncertainties (de Haan & Duckworth, 2010, Gray, 2007, Stevens, 2004, Summerfield, 2002.) T...
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J Blattner, V Hart, S Leipsic Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001
This article reports a study of current perceptions among professionals regarding therapy and coaching. Whereas therapy and counseling have been traditional fields of study and practice, coaching is not as well developed. It is helpful to examine the perceptions of practicing professionals in order to delineate the distinctions and overla...
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A Hodge 2014
This Project Report is an exploration of coaching supervision. Coaching supervision is now being advocated by most coaching associations in the UK as a vital means to support executive coaches in their continuing professional development. There is still considerable scepticism, caution, even ignorance about the nature and purpose of coach...
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C Rogers Journal of Consulting Psychology 1957
"For constructive personality change to occur, it is necessary that these conditions exist and continue over a period of time: (1) Two persons are in psychological contact. (2) The first, whom we shall term the client, is in a state of incongruence, being vulnerable or anxious. (3) The second person, whom we shall term the therapist, is c...
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V Brock Unpublished DPhil dissertation. Maui, HI: International Univ... 2008
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P Hawkins, N Smith McGraw-Hill Education (UK) 2013
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R Childs, M Woods, D Willcock, A Man 2011
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P Bluckert Industrial and Commercial Training 2005
– This article sets out to explore the similarities and differences between coaching and therapy – a subject of great interest currently within coaching and therapy fields.
– The objectives are achieved by examining the convergence of approaches and thinking within these fields, as well as explorin...
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J Butwell International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2006
This study sought to understand whether supervision provides real value to coaches, by
observing the experiences of group supervision for internal coaches in a professional
organisation. All participants appreciated the networking, learning and support gained
from supervision but the work valued most by them related to case presentatio...
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L McGivern International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2009
This research reported in this paper set out to explore and understand the lived experiences of coaches in
supervision and captures the views they have formed as a result of their experience. It was discovered that
there is a clear link between supervision and the continuous professional development experienced by
participants. What al...
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T Salter International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2008
Coaching supervision has become a ‘hot potato’ in recent months as many coaching organisations
and trainers are championing the need for anyone calling themselves a professional coach to have
a supervisor. The professional bodies are also playing their part by either commissioning
research, or producing articles or guidelines advocatin...
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J Passmore, S McGoldrick International Coaching Psychology Review 2009
Objectives: Coaching supervision has become the dominant model of reflective practice in the UK. This
study sought to explore coach and supervisor perceptions of supervision, and critically observe supervision
Design: The study utilised an observational design and semi-structured interviews.
Methods: The study involved an ob...
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P Lawrence, A Whyte Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2014
In this study 33 executive coaches from Australia/New Zealand, and 29 purchasing clients, were interviewed about the functions of coaching supervision. Though coaches cited supervision as the intervention they would be most likely to deploy if they felt the need for emotional support, few coaches said they often felt the need for such sup...
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P Hawkins, R Shohet Open University Press. 2012
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J Passmore Kogan Page 2011
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A Hodge International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016
Coaching supervision is a prerequisite for accreditation of executive coaches by coaching associations in the UK. However, there is still considerable skepticism, caution, even ignorance about the nature and purpose of coaching supervision and many coaches do not engage. The aim of this action research was to explore what happens in the c...
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J Tkach, J DiGirolamo International Coaching Psychology Review 2017
As the coaching industry has grown over the past twenty years, so has the interest in coaching supervision. Although most in the industry agree that supervision plays a valuable role, few agree about what that role should actually be. Even the de nition of coaching supervision is widely debated. This paper provides background and history ...
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