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References (13 in Portal)
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A McGonagle, J Beatty, R Joffe Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 2014
Working with chronic illness may present challenges for individuals—for instance, managing symptoms at work, attaining accommodations, and career planning while considering health limitations. These challenges may be stressful and lead to strains. We tested a 12-week, 6-session, phone-based coaching intervention designed to help workers m...
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R Stacey Berret-Koehler Publishers 1996
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T Theeboom, B Beersma, AEM van Vianen The Journal of Positive Psychology 2014
Whereas coaching is very popular as a management tool, research on coaching effectiveness is lagging behind. Moreover, the studies on coaching that are currently available have focused on a large variety of processes and outcome measures and generally lack a firm theoretical foundation. With the meta-analysis presented in this article, we...
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A Grant Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal 2003
Despite its high media profile and growing popularity there have been no empirical investigations of the impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition or mental health. This exploratory study used life coaching as a means of exploring key metacognitive factors involved as individuals move towards goal attainment. In a within-s...
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AM Grant Journal of Change Management 2014
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A Grant Journal of Systemic Therapies, 2012
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AM Grant, L Curtayne, G Burton The Journal of Positive Psychology 2009
In a randomised controlled study, 41 executives in a public health agency received 360-degree feedback, a half-day leadership workshop, and four individual coaching sessions over 10 weeks. The coaching used a cognitive-behavioural solution-focused approach. Quantitative and qualitative measures were taken. This is the first published rand...
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K Gyllensten, S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2005
Work related stress is causing concern and is having negative effects on individuals and organisations
(HSE, 2001). Various interventions are used to reduce workplace stress but this paper proposes that coaching
can be effective
in tackling stress.
Coaching is becoming increasingly
popular and is viewed positively
the corp...
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S Bowles, CJL Cunningham, GM De La Rosa, J Picano Leadership & Organization Development Journal 2007
– This article aims to test the effectiveness of coaching for middle and executive level managers within a large recruiting organization.
– Participants set goals to achieve during a 12‐month coaching programme. The sample consisted of middle managers (n=30) and executive managers (n=29) involved i...
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AM Grant, LS Green, J Rynsaardt Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2010
Teachers are in a very real sense the embodiment of leadership, providing direction, guidance, and feedback to their students in addition to acting as role models. Teachers may well thus benefit from developmental coaching that draws on theories of leadership. This study was both an experimental (randomly assigned conditions) and a quasi-...
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MEP Seligman, T Steen, N Park, C Peterson American psychologist 2005
Positive psychology has flourished in the last 5 years. The authors review recent developments in the field, including books, meetings, courses, and conferences. They also discuss the newly created classification of character strengths and virtues, a positive complement to the various editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of M...
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RA Jones, AE Rafferty, M Griffin Leadership & Organization Development Journal 2006
– This paper proposes to investigate the influence of executive coaching on managerial flexibility in order to build a stronger theoretical and empirical basis for executive coaching research.
– A repeated measures design was adopted. About 11 leaders participated in a leadership development progra...
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G Ladegård International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011
The purpose of the present study is to investigate how learning experiences acquired through
workplace coaching may affect stress. I identify two main learning experiences in the coaching
process, insight and planning skills, and propose that these affect stress directly and also indirectly
through mediators’ job demand, job control, a...
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A Grant Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2017
The research suggests that solution-focused cognitive– behavioral (SFCB) coaching can enhance performance, reduce stress, and help build resilience. Thus, SFCB coaching may be a useful methodology for enhancing both performance and well-being while also serving as a preventative mechanism that can reduce the probability of stress-related ...
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