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References (3 in Portal)
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Coaching abroad: Insights about assets.

J Renner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2007

Global corporations usually settle on a list of management competencies that they use to select, appraise, and coach managers in all of their locations around the world. When firsttime coaching managers are outside of this corporate world, they can be surprised to learn that there are some very different views on the com- petencies ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 25
What Does Effective Behaviour Look Like In A Conversation To Support Acquisition Of New Skills That Ultimately Lead To Better Productivity And Performance?

J Curran EMCC Mentoring and Coaching Research Conference 2017

The purpose of this paper is to introduce verbal behavioural analysis as a methodology for identifying effective coaching behaviour within different coaching contexts. The paper presents research results that illustrate the impact of different coaching styles and relates them to a coaching context model to provide coaches with a framework...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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