References (15 in Portal)
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D Peterson, J Bono, R Purvanova, A Towler Personnel Psychology 2009
Despite the ubiquity of executive coaching interventions in business organizations, there is little uniformity in the practices (e.g., assessment tools, scientific or philosophical approaches, activities, goals, and outcome evaluation methods) of executive coaches. Addressing the ongoing debate about the role of psychology in executive co...
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WJG Evers, A Brouwers, W Tomic Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2006
Coaching has become an important managerial instrument of support. However, there is lack of research on its effectiveness. The authors conducted a quasi-experimental study to figure out whether coaching really leads to presupposed individual goals. Sixty managers of the federal government were divided in two groups: one group followed a ...
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S Ting, D Riddle Jossey-Bass 2006
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S Bowles, CJL Cunningham, GM De La Rosa, J Picano Leadership & Organization Development Journal 2007
– This article aims to test the effectiveness of coaching for middle and executive level managers within a large recruiting organization.
– Participants set goals to achieve during a 12‐month coaching programme. The sample consisted of middle managers (n=30) and executive managers (n=29) involved i...
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RR Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001
A review of the recent literature demonstrated that there are virtually no articles or research papers on the subject of intervention adherence or compliance in executive coaching. This article begins to address that deficit by presenting an 8-component model of coaching effectiveness that includes such elements as the coach--and client--...
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J Waldroop, T Butler Harvard Business Review 1996
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J Whitmore Journal of Change Management 2004
This article confronts the current state of management and the slow pace of management change, the product of years of myopia, apathy and denial. It charges business leaders with being blissfully unaware of the wider context upon which their future depends, that of accelerating global, social, psychological and spiritual change. Staff, cu...
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S Palmer, A Macdowall Routledge 2010
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A O’Broin, S Palmer Routledge 2007
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S Crabb The Coaching Psychologist 2011
The emerging area of positive psychology has created a heightened interest in applied positive organisational
practices, such as coaching, which is increasingly being understood from the positive psychological
perspective. A key focus in this area has been what organisations can do to engage their employees, in the
form of organisation...
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O Spaten, TGB Hansen Coaching Psychologist 2009
For the first time coaching was embedded in a psychology graduate programme in Denmark. In the
programme at Aalborg University the students concurrently followed cognitive-behavioural therapy courses
and cognitive coaching modules. Spanning 1.5 academic years (16 full days) the coaching modules include
104 hours of lectures and action-...
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AS Bond, N Naughton International Coaching Psychology Review 2011
The transition into a new leadership role can be extremely challenging to navigate and is one where
leadership transition coaching may benefit both the individual and the organisation. This paper reviews
the literature on the nature of leadership transition coaching in the workplace. It highlights commonly
reported leadership transitio...
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R Elliott International Coaching Psychology Review 2011
Purpose: Examination of the coaching psychology literature shows that discussion about leadership
coaching is disconnected from the scientific literature about leadership. Similarly, the latter has only recently
begun to consider how leadership is developed. This lack of cross-engagement between two relevant evidencebased
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S Palmer, K Szymanska Routledge 2007
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A O'Broin, S Palmer Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2010
This article explores coachees and coaches views on aspects important in the formation of the coaching relationship. The research uses a qualitative methodology. Semi-structured repertory grid interviews were conducted with six coachees and six coaches in the UK. Using content analysis, three primary themes, of bond and engagement, coach ...
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O Spaten Coaching Psykologi 2016
Research publications concerning managers who coach their own employees are barely visible despite its widespread use in enterprises (McCarthy & Milner, 2013; Gregory & Levy, 2011; Crabb, 2011). This article focuses on leadership, power and moments of symmetry in the coaching relationship regarding managers coaching their employees and it...
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