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Multi-stakeholder contracting in executive/business coaching: an analysis of practice and recommendations for gaining maximum value

E Turner, P Hawkins International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

Multi-stakeholder contracting for coaching takes place in organisational settings worldwide. This article presents the results and implications of an international study which explored its use in executive and business coaching, with the aim of sharing best practice and achieving maximum value for all participants. Respondents (n=651) wer...

Cites in Google Scholar: 42
The rise of coaching supervision 2006–2014

P Hawkins, E Turner Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

This paper compares the research on coaching supervision, carried out by Eve Turner and supported by Peter Hawkins in 2014, with the research done by Hawkins and Schwenk carried out in 2006. This research comparison shows that while there has been an enormous growth in the percentage of coaches having supervision, there is wide diversity ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 46
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