References (15 in Portal)
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T Theeboom, B Beersma, AEM van Vianen The Journal of Positive Psychology 2014
Whereas coaching is very popular as a management tool, research on coaching effectiveness is lagging behind. Moreover, the studies on coaching that are currently available have focused on a large variety of processes and outcome measures and generally lack a firm theoretical foundation. With the meta-analysis presented in this article, we...
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A Grant Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal 2003
Despite its high media profile and growing popularity there have been no empirical investigations of the impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition or mental health. This exploratory study used life coaching as a means of exploring key metacognitive factors involved as individuals move towards goal attainment. In a within-s...
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P Hawkins Kogan Page Publishers 2014
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M Cavanagh, D Lane International Coaching Psychology Review 2012
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SW Brown, A Grant Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2010
Despite considerable organisational development research and practice suggesting that interventions in organisations should also be targeted at the group level, most organisational coaching is dyadic (one-to-one) and few models of group coaching have been developed. In Part I of this paper we present an introductory overview of group coac...
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J Hackman, R Wageman Academy of Management Review 2005
After briefly reviewing the existing literature on team coaching, we propose a new model with three distinguishing features. The model (1) focuses on the functions that coaching serves for a team, rather than on either specific leader behaviors or leadership styles, (2) identifies the specific times in the task performance process when co...
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G Ward International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2008
Coaching in different forms is prevalent in many European organisations. However, individuals
typically receive coaching in the traditional dyadic form. Groups are generally formed only for
training. In this article, it is argued that coaching executives in groups to leverage collective
experience in an experiential encounter and provi...
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D Coates International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2013
Integrated Leadership Development Programmes (IDLPs) have become increasingly popular in
recent years. These programmes combine different elements such as 360° feedback, experiential
learning, group coaching, executive coaching and action learning, over extended periods of many
months. Very little independent research exists to show ho...
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S Whitley International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2013
It is estimated that the treatment and care of those with a long term condition (LTC) accounts
for 69% of the primary and acute healthcare budget in England (Department of Health 2008). This
research took an action research approach to explore how group coaching can be a support
mechanism for people with LTC to make changes to their li...
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D Grajfoner The Coaching Psychologist 2009
This paper reports the results from the first group coaching course ‘Managing Change’ for male to female
transsexuals. Gender transition is one of the most radical changes in one’s life. Psychosocial adaptation and
social integration in the new gender role is crucial for sustaining well-being. The focus of this course was to
explore wh...
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P Torbrand, V Ellam-Dyson International Coaching Psychology Review 2015
Objectives: This pilot study aimed to investigate whether Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) can be used
with A-level students in order to reduce procrastination and avoidance behaviours. Group coaching was
used to promote more adaptive thinking patterns, leading to enhanced performance and well-being.
Design: A qualitative approach ...
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C Carr, J Peters International Coaching Psychology Review 2013
Objective: This paper presents a dual case study of leadership team coaching with one government and one
corporate team. The authors discuss the findings and propose a new high performance team coaching
Design: In this study, the researchers documented and compared the experience of team coaching between
their two leadership te...
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E Florent-Treacy International Coaching Psychology Review 2009
This study explored written narratives of 28 participants’ experience in one executive leadership
development programme, to shed light on the way participants explore and experiment with new working
identities in the leadership development identity laboratory. The study adopted a mixed-method approach.
A series of six programme-related...
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M Mühlberger, E Traut-Mattausch The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2015
Although numerous studies have shown that coaching works, the search for “active ingredients” of successful coaching is ongoing. We argue that the coach’s transactional and transformational leadership behavior contributes to coaching effectiveness. In an experimental study on reducing procrastination, participants (N = 108) defined indivi...
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T Fusco, S O’Riordan, S Palmer International Coaching Psychology Review 2015
Introduction: This paper explores and merges two important fields of coaching; Group Coaching and
Authentic Leadership Development (ALD). It develops a theory of group coaching and builds this into a
conceptual and evidence-based method of ALD.
Design: Four authentic leadership coaching groups were conducted over an 18-month period. Ea...
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S O’Connor International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
This article presents qualitative findings from a pilot group coaching program that was conducted within a large Australian public healthcare organisation. Using Nueman’s (2000) three phase coding system and Spector’s (1984) methodology, transcripts were analyzed for key themes (from both coachees’ and coaches’ perspectives) in response t...
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