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References (12 in Portal)
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Measuring change and persistence in human affairs: Types of change generated by OD designs.

R Golembiewski, K Billingsley, S Yeager The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 1976

There is a truism about applied research that an inadequate concept of change leads to diminished or misguided applied research. Hence this paper urges distinguishing kinds of change, distinctions which are suggested by experience and also are supported with evidence generated by exotic statistical and computational techniques in which we...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1102
A languishing-flourishing model of goal striving and mental health for coaching populations.

A Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2007

Coaching focuses both on facilitating goal attainment and enhancing well-being. Yet there has been little work on developing models that integrate mental health/illness issues with goal striving. This is important because many distinctions between coaching and therapy have been based on the supposed differing levels of psychopathology ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 47
Evaluating the effectiveness of executive coaching: Where are we now and where do we need to be?

D MacKie Australian Psychologist 2007

To date there have been no universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a successful outcome in executive coaching. This has been partly a function of the range of activities undertaken within the coaching medium and partly the fact that commercial realities mitigate against controlled trials teasing out mediating and moderating var...

Cites in Google Scholar: 147
The impact of executive coaching and 360 feedback on leadership effectiveness.

E Thach Leadership & Organization Development Journal 2002

Does executive coaching really work? Does it help improve leadership effectiveness and productivity? This action research study answers these questions by tracking the progress of 281 executives participating in a six-month coaching and 360 feedback process. The results suggest that the combination of multi-rater feedback and individual c...

Cites in Google Scholar: 510
Toward a conceptual understanding and definition of executive coaching.

R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

A review of the literature on coaching reveals that very little empirical research has focused on the executive coaching methods used by consultants with managers and leaders in organizations. Within the framework of a 17-dimensional model of systems and psychodynamic theory, the author provides an overview of a conceptual approach to coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 913
Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey.

EA Locke, GP Latham American psychologist 2002

The authors summarize 35 years of empirical research on goal-setting theory. They describe the core findings of the theory, the mechanisms by which goals operate, moderators of goal effects, the relation of goals and satisfaction, and the role of goals as mediators of incentives. The external validity and practical significance of goal-se...

Cites in Google Scholar: 12289
The foundations of a psychological approach to executive coaching

P Bluckert Industrial and Commercial Training 2005

Purpose – Aims to examine the two main groupings of definitions of executive coaching: those which focus on learning and development leading to performance improvement and those which are located around change. From there it follows the proposition that psychological‐mindedness is the foundation of psychologically focused coaching. De...

Cites in Google Scholar: 107
Executive coaching and consulting:" Different strokes for different folks".

WH Berman, G Bradt Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2006

Increasing frustration with the politics and economics of traditional mental health care has led many psychologists to consider shifting to or adding executive coaching as a core competency in their practices. Experience with work-related issues in clinical practice makes this appear to be a logical extension of traditional clinical and c...

Cites in Google Scholar: 109
Executive Coaching: New Framework for Evaluation

K Osatuke, B Yanovsky, D Ramsel Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2017

Evaluation research has struggled to keep up with the popularity of coaching, as measures of its effectiveness are challenging to standardize, particularly when coaching executives. Similar to interpersonally based interventions in other fields such as counseling and psychotherapy, coaching takes the form of a fluid, humanistic process, w...

Cites in Google Scholar: 58
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