Coaching understood: A pragmatic inquiry into the coaching process.
E Cox Sage 2013
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Despite considerable organisational development research and practice suggesting that interventions in organisations should also be targeted at the group level, most organisational coaching is dyadic (one-to-one) and few models of group coaching have been developed. In Part I of this paper we present an introductory overview of group coac...
After briefly reviewing the existing literature on team coaching, we propose a new model with three distinguishing features. The model (1) focuses on the functions that coaching serves for a team, rather than on either specific leader behaviors or leadership styles, (2) identifies the specific times in the task performance process when co...
The term ‘profession’ derives from the Latin word ‘profiteor’ meaning to profess. Professionalisation is the process whereby a gainful activity moves from the status of ‘occupation’ to the status of ‘profession’. Claims for professional status and the emergence of standards and awards are typical of the journey that occupations make (or a...
At the heart of the coaching process is the core competency of questioning, often referred to as powerful questioning. Coach educators and trainers diligently teach students the importance of asking questions (versus giving advice) during coaching sessions and teach them to structure questions appropriately (such as using open versus clos...