A Theory of Therapy, Personality, and Interpersonal Relationships: As Developed in the Client-centered Framework.
C Rogers McGraw-Hill 1959
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Although there is a rich history of collaboration and distinction among family practitioners, to remain progressive, the domains of family practice must continue to evolve based on the current practices of family professionals. Recently, family coaching (FC) has captured the professional attention of practitioners as another collaborative...
Many family life educators utilise a coach approach to serving families, and many coaching psychologists serve families in their coaching profession, yet there is a deficit of theoretical or application literature on coaching families. This paper argues that it is time to begin a global discussion on the topic of family life coaching a...
In this paper, we examine coaching’s innovativeness through a comparison of its approaches and methods with those of more established helping professions. Using extant literature, we consider the nature of innovation before going on to examine coaching’s core beliefs and values, theoretical paradigms, and its goals, techniques, and method...
Family Life Coaching (FLC) is an emerging approach to serving families that blends family science and coaching psychology. While family life coaching is growing, there is limited research on the perceptions of families about coaching. This study explores parental knowledge of and opinions of family life coaching as a way to help deal with...