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Virtual Group Coaching: A Curriculum for Coaches and Educators

P Van Dyke Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture 2014

Virtual group coaching exists at the intersection of coaching and the group experience. At a high level, virtual group coaching can be defined as exploring the coaching process with a group of individuals who are being coached by a professional coach utilizing the vehicle of group process to accomplish the goals and objectives of the indi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 27
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Coming in from the cold: The experience of group coaching as a setting for entrepreneurial learning and change

E Ostrowski 2018

The challenges of entrepreneurship make learning integral to the entrepreneurial process. However, many entrepreneurs work in relative isolation and lack opportunities to engage with peers in ways that promote meaningful reflection and learning. This study explores the experience of group coaching as a setting for meaningful learning and ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
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Using Group Coaching to Foster Reflection and Learning in an MBA Classroom

E Ostrowski Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019

Group coaching may facilitate individual learning and change over time through the social processes of learning vicariously and learning through feedback. While anecdotal evidence shows there may be potential benefits of applying group coaching to a graduate school learning environment, there are several challenges which warrant consi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 8
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