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References (4 in Portal)
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From Here To Certainty: Becoming CEO And How A Trusted Leadership Advisor (TLA) Helped The Client Get There

K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2017

An in-depth case study is used to illustrate the transition senior consultants can make from the role of executive coach to a role conceptualized by the author as trusted leadership advisor (TLA) in long-term engagements with senior business executives. In this engagement, spanning several years, the client ultimately became CEO of a glob...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
Transformation to academic leadership: The role of mentorship and executive coaching

W Rathmell, N Brown, R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2019

The transition to academic leadership entails learning to utilize an enormous new collection of skills. Executive leadership coaching is a personalized training approach that is being increasingly used to accelerate the onboarding of effective leaders. Vanderbilt University Medical Center has invested in a robust coaching strategy that is...

Cites in Google Scholar: 54
Citations (4 in Portal)
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The case for executive coaching in academic medicine

J Balser Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in Orga... 2019

This article comments on an innovative case study in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research titled “Transformation to Academic Leadership: The Role of Mentorship and Executive Coaching,” by W. Kimryn Rathmell, Nancy J. Brown, and Richard R. Kilburg (see record 2019-52290-001). The case study offers “a first-person account of...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
Perspectives on the importance of leadership and the value of coaching in an academic medical research institution

B Mitchell Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in Orga... 2019

This article comments on an innovative case study in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research titled “Transformation to Academic Leadership: The Role of Mentorship and Executive Coaching” by W. Kimryn Rathmell, Nancy J. Brown, and Richard R. Kilburg (see record 2019-52290-001). The case study documents the development of a phy...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
Winning the rodeo: How executive coaching helped an academic physician succeed in a senior-leadership role.

K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in Orga... 2019

This article comments on an innovative case study in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, entitled “Transformation to Academic Leadership: The Role of Mentorship and Executive Coaching,” by W. Kimryn Rathmell, Nancy J. Brown, and Richard R. Kilburg (see record 2019-52290-001). The case study offers “a first-person account...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
The anatomy of a longitudinal, embedded consulting and coaching engagement: Case study and conceptual issues.

R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in Orga... 2019

This paper presents a case study of a longitudinal, embedded consulting and coaching engagement at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (the name of the client organization is used with permission throughout this paper), a top ranked U.S. academic health center, and provides an overview of a set of key conceptual issues involved in cr...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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