In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life
R Kegan Harvard University Press 1994
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With this conceptualization of the trusted leadership advisor (TLA), a senior practitioner provides an in-depth view of the role transition from executive coach in short-term engagements to the TLA in long-term consulting relationships with corporate level and other senior business leaders. Emphasis is placed on the integration of busines...
In “From Here to Certainty: Becoming CEO and How a Trusted Leadership Advisor (TLA) Helped the Client Get There,” Karol Wasylyshyn (2017) presents an engaging and thought-provoking case study of her client’s journey from a highly placed position within a multinational corporation to CEO of a newly spun-off subsidiary. The article breaks n...
This article represents Karol Wasylyshyn’s (see also Wasylyshyn, 2015) second installment in what I sincerely hope will be an ongoing effort to illuminate the theory and practice of executive coaching with the most senior leaders in organizations. In both of these articles, she has chosen to differentiate this work, carried out by what sh...
Theory and research in executive coaching have typically focused on the characteristics and methods of coaches and on the dyadic relationship of the coach and client. Little attention has been given to individuals such as the boss and human-resources (HR) executive who are directly or indirectly involved in the coaching process. These key...
The transition to academic leadership entails learning to utilize an enormous new collection of skills. Executive leadership coaching is a personalized training approach that is being increasingly used to accelerate the onboarding of effective leaders. Vanderbilt University Medical Center has invested in a robust coaching strategy that is...
This article comments on an innovative case study in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, entitled “Transformation to Academic Leadership: The Role of Mentorship and Executive Coaching,” by W. Kimryn Rathmell, Nancy J. Brown, and Richard R. Kilburg (see record 2019-52290-001). The case study offers “a first-person account...