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References (9 in Portal)
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The coaching psychology movement and its development within the British Psychological Society

S Palmer, A Whybrow International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

To many members of the British Psychological Society (BPS) it may appear that the BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP) has come from nowhere to somewhere in a short space of time. It held its inaugural meeting on 15 December 2004 and by March 2005, it had become the third largest BPS subsystem with over 1600 Founder Members ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 95
A personal perspective on professional coaching and the development of coaching psychology

AM Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Coaching psychology can be understood as being the systematic application of behavioural science to the enhancement of life experience, work performance and well-being for individuals, groups and organisations who do not have clinically significant mental heath issues or abnormal levels of distress. Although psychologists have long act...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
155 KB
How do we describe coaching? An exploratory development of a typology of coaching based on the accounts of UK-based practitioners

P Jackson International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2005

This study is exploratory and looks for meaningful ways of differentiating coaching approaches used by UK practitioners as a way of establishing a more solid foundation for comparative and evaluative research. The paper briefly explores how coaching is defined, arguing that current definitions provide an inadequate foundation for theor...

Cites in Google Scholar: 66
Coaching and therapy: Similarities and divergences.

E Spinelli Psychotherapy in Australia 2010

It remains unclear as to what activities are referred to by the term 'coaching'. Amidst many different conceptualisations of the term, there is no agreement to date on its definition. Ernesto Spinelli provides a critical overview of the similarities and differences between coaching and therapy. While all manner of distinctions have been m...

Cites in Google Scholar: 58
Citations (2 in Portal)
Forward in Time
A preliminary exploration of the working allliance and'real relationship'in two coaching approaches with mental health workers

B Sun, F Deane, T Crowe, R Andresen, LG Oades, J Ciarrochi International Coaching Psychology Review 2013

Objectives: The coaching relationship has been described as the catalyst for change. This study explores the coaching relationship by comparing the working alliance and the ‘real relationship’ – the undistorted and authentic experience of the other – in participants in skills coaching and transformational coaching. Design: A 2 (coachin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
Career conversations in coaching: the contribution that career theory can make to coaching practice

J Yates, T Oginni, H Olway, T Petzold Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

This paper responds to calls for an increased evidence base for coaching practice by exploring the contribution that career research and theory could make to this field. The paper summarises three small-scale studies focusing on career change undertaken by post-graduate students enrolled on an MSc in Career Coaching at a university in Lon...

Cites in Google Scholar: 11
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