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References (11 in Portal)
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A survey of executive coaching practices.

D Peterson, J Bono, R Purvanova, A Towler Personnel Psychology 2009

Despite the ubiquity of executive coaching interventions in business organizations, there is little uniformity in the practices (e.g., assessment tools, scientific or philosophical approaches, activities, goals, and outcome evaluation methods) of executive coaches. Addressing the ongoing debate about the role of psychology in executive co...

Cites in Google Scholar: 47
Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context.

T Theeboom, B Beersma, AEM van Vianen The Journal of Positive Psychology 2014

Whereas coaching is very popular as a management tool, research on coaching effectiveness is lagging behind. Moreover, the studies on coaching that are currently available have focused on a large variety of processes and outcome measures and generally lack a firm theoretical foundation. With the meta-analysis presented in this article, we...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1062
Executive coaching: it works!

FA Kombarakaran, JA Yang, MN Baker, PB Fernandes Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2008

Outcomes of this empirical study demonstrated that executive coaching is an effective method of leadership development. One hundred fourteen executives and 42 coaches were surveyed using instruments designed to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. Results indicated that executive change occurred in 5 areas: people management, re...

Cites in Google Scholar: 418
Executive coaching

G Blackman-Sheppard Industrial and Commercial Training 2004

Executive coaching is often seen as higher grade coaching that is the sole prerogative of the high‐flying executive, accompanied on hallowed ground by the mystical executive coach. However, the foundation stones for executive coaching – quality integrated thinking, confidentiality, trust – are equally important to all its people if an org...

Cites in Google Scholar: 880
Understanding the factors that determine workplace coaching effectiveness: a systematic literature review

G Bozer, R Jones European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 2018

Meta-analytic results have established that workplace coaching is effective, however, little is known about the determinants of coaching effectiveness. This paper reports an inclusive systematic literature review, covering the quantitative and qualitative research on workplace coaching. We focus on seven promising areas in the current wor...

Cites in Google Scholar: 344
609 KB
Creating and maintaining a commercially viable executive coaching practice in South Africa

N Terblanche, R Jock, M Ungerer The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small B... 2019

Background: The executive coaching industry is growing internationally and in South Africa. As is typical of small businesses, many struggle to survive. Factors contributing to small business success have been researched, but research in the context of the executive coaching industry in South Africa is sparse. Aim: The aim of this stu...

Cites in Google Scholar: 5
691 KB
African organisational coaching practice: Exploring approaches used, and the factors influencing coaches’ fees

N Terblanche, J Passmore, J Myburgh South African Journal of Business Management 2021

Purpose: More context-specific research regarding the praxis of organisational coaching was needed for increased understanding of this emerging profession. Whilst progress was being made internationally, African coaching practice research was sparse, leading to potentially false assumptions about local praxis based on international tre...

Cites in Google Scholar: 9
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