Mindfulness in coaching: Philosophy, psychology or just a useful skill?.
M Cavanagh, G Spence John Wiley & Sons 2013
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Coaching has attracted much attention from health professionals interested in collaborative, person-centred approaches to motivating behaviour change. Whilst initial research supports the efficacy of coaching in health contexts, more theoretical and empirical work is needed. Based on recent work demonstrating the important role that mindf...
This article discusses how positive psychology and evidence-based coaching can support youth service provision in order to promote cross fertilisation between these different domains of practice. The transition from adolescence to adulthood is difficult for many young people and there is growing recognition that there should be a great...
Purpose: The present paper reviews the scholarly literature on mindfulness and coaching and explores the potential contributions to coaching psychology of empirically supported intervention approaches that are based on or incorporate mindfulness concepts or practices. Method: The main psychological mindfulness intervention approaches a...
A gap exists between positive psychology coaching (PPC) theory and practice because PPC lacks rigorous measurement, evidence-based protocols and standard processes. This quasiexperimental study assessed the relationship between PPC protocols and performance or behavioral outcomes of leaders. The participants were global professional coach...
The research we report on here sought to explore the meaning of mindfulness for experienced coaching practitioners in a practice context. There are many formal definitions, but it is difficult to know how and which ones are used in practice and to what degree or effect. The purpose of the research was to obtain a clearer understanding of ...
This review investigates the relevance of socio-cognitive mindfulness (Langer, 1989) to wellbeing coaching by systematically synthesising the evidence to understand how socio-cognitive mindfulness interventions work. The search yielded 2,867 peer-reviewed studies with twelve papers meeting the eligibility criteria. The interventions induc...