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References (7 in Portal)
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Executive coaching outcome research: The contribution of common factors such as relationship, personality match, and self efficacy.

de Haan. E., A Duckworth, D Birch, C Jones Consulting Psychology Journal 2013

This article argues for a new way of studying executive-coaching outcomes, which is illustrated with a study based on data from 156 client– coach pairs. The argument accepts that we are unlikely to get robust data on coaching outcomes in the near future but assumes that we can expect similar effectiveness for coaching as that demonstrated...

Cites in Google Scholar: 480
Strengths coaching with leaders.

P Linley, L Woolston, R Biswas-Diener International Coaching Psychology Review 2009

Positive psychology and coaching psychology share a number of common themes and fundamental assumptions. Blending positive psychology, strengths approaches and coaching psychology, our work in strengths coaching with leaders enhances both leadership and organisational capability. In this article, we explore the role of leaders as climate ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 412
Hidden in plain sight: The active ingredients of executive coaching.

D McKenna, SL Davis Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Sc... 2009

We propose that I/O psychologists who coach executives have overlooked psychotherapy outcome research as a source of information and ideas that can be used to improve our executive coaching practices. This research, based on thousands of studies and many meta-analyses, has converged on the conclusion that four ‘‘active ingredients’’ accou...

Cites in Google Scholar: 295
Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification

MEP Seligman, C Peterson Oxford University Press 2004

The classification of strengths presented in this book is intended to reclaim the study of character and virtue as legitimate topics of psychological inquiry and informed societal discourse. By providing ways of talking about character strengths and measuring them across the life span, this classification will start to make possible a sci...

Cites in Google Scholar: 16343
Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership

B Avolio, W Gardner The leadership quarterly 2005

This Special Issue is the result of the inaugural summit hosted by the Gallup Leadership Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2004 on Authentic Leadership Development (ALD). We describe in this introduction to the special issue current thinking in this emerging field of research as well as questions and concerns. We begin by...

Cites in Google Scholar: 8682
Positive psychology: An introduction.

MEP Seligman, M Csikszentmihalyi American Psychologist 2000

A science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve quality of life and prevent the pathologies that arise when life is barren and meaningless. The exclusive focus on pathology that has dominated so much of our discipline results in a model of the human being lacking the p...

Cites in Google Scholar: 33135
A dynamic approach to psychological strength development and intervention

R Biswas-Diener, T Kashdan, G Minhas The Journal of Positive Psychology 2011

Many practitioners working with clients from a strengths perspective largely rely on ad hoc interventions and employ a simplistic ‘identify and use’ approach. In this article, we suggest that clients can extract greater benefits when practitioners adopt more sophisticated approaches to strengths intervention. We introduce an alternative a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 653
Strengths-based leadership development: Insights from expert coaches.

D Welch, K Grossaint, K Reid, C Walker Consulting Psychology Journal 2014

There is a growing trend in which coaches are using a strengths-based approach to help leaders move from fair leadership performance toward greater capacities. Although a number of strengths assessments are popular now, there is not enough research on how strengths mature in a long-term, sustainable way. In this article a multiple case st...

Cites in Google Scholar: 115
Citations (1 in Portal)
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Guided Reflection Model: How Executive Coaching Can Assist Organizational Leaders Enhance Their Creativity, Innovation and Wisdom

T Cerni American Journal of Educational Research 2015

This paper outlines how executive coaching can assist organizational leaders engage in a guided process of reflection to enhance their creativity, innovation and wisdom. The conceptual model proposed in this paper is an extension of the Cognitive-Experiential Theory (CET; Epstein, 2014) and the recently developed Cognitive-Experiential Le...

Cites in Google Scholar: 9
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