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Skill acquisition of executive coaches: A journey toward mastery

J Bennett, KDB Rogers McColl School of Business 2011

The skill development of executive coaches remains more an art than a science. Building on the models of skill acquisition and expertise development, this qualitative, descriptive study involved 26 executive coaches, with and without formal coaching credentials. The data from the advanced beginner and expert level coaches were thematicall...

Cites in Google Scholar: 10
Employee coaching relationships: Enhancing construct clarity and measurement

J Gregory, P Levy Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2010

While managers' coaching of their subordinates continues to grow in organisations, little empirical research exists to inform the practice. The current paper seeks to further our understanding of this type of coaching – which we refer to as employee coaching – by exploring the coaching relationship formed between the supervisor and subord...

Cites in Google Scholar: 193
It's not me, it's you: A multilevel examination of variables that impact employee coaching relationships.

J Gregory, P Levy Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Coaching: An Int... 2011

Employee coaching, which we consider to be a critical part of the performance management process, is coaching done by a manager or supervisor with his or her direct reports. The current article builds on recent research on the importance of the employee coaching relationship by investigating individual difference and contextual variables ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 190
GAS powered coaching: Goal Attainment Scaling and its use in coaching research and practice.

G Spence International Coaching Psychology Review 2007

As the demand for an evidence-based approach to coaching grows, so does the need for rigourous outcome measures. However, despite the fact that coaching is a goal-focused process, there has been little discussion in the coaching literature about different approaches to measuring goal attainment. Given that goal attainment represents a key...

Cites in Google Scholar: 131
Does coaching psychology need the concept of formulation

D Lane, S Corrie International Coaching Psychology Review 2009

The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of some of the debates and controversies surrounding formulation, and to highlight ways of navigating these debates more successfully for the benefits of ourselves, our clients and the future development of our profession. The concept of formulation, that is an explanatory account of the issu...

Cites in Google Scholar: 37
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‘Good question’: Exploring the experiences of generating questions in coaching

G Wallis International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

This research uses heuristic inquiry to provide insight into experiences of generating questions in coaching. Eight experienced coaches, recruited as co-researchers, shared their experiences of generating coaching questions via post-coaching reflections and conversational interviews. Thematic analysis of the data identified that coaches n...

Cites in Google Scholar: 9
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