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References (27 in Portal)
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Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.

A Bandura Psychological Review 1977

Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping beh...

Cites in Google Scholar: 111601
Behind closed doors: What really happens in executive coaching. Organizational Dynamics

D Hall, K Otazo, G Hollenbeck Organizational Dynamics 1999

Presents the results of a study sponsored by Boston University's Executive Development Roundtable that allow a critical review of the state of the practice of executive coaching. The study consisted of interviews with over 75 executives in Fortune 100 companies, as well as interviews with 15 executive coaches referred to the researchers a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 824
Toward a conceptual understanding and definition of executive coaching.

R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

A review of the literature on coaching reveals that very little empirical research has focused on the executive coaching methods used by consultants with managers and leaders in organizations. Within the framework of a 17-dimensional model of systems and psychodynamic theory, the author provides an overview of a conceptual approach to coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 913
Manager coaching skills: Development and application

S Graham, J Wedman, B Garvin--Kester Performance Improvement Quarterly 1993

The concept of “manager as coach” is increasingly popular in the management literature as a mechanism for improving employee involvement and performance. This paper summarizes a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a “coaching skills” program for sales managers. The program began with a five–day coaching skills course and was followed b...

Cites in Google Scholar: 133
Psychological skills and coaching.

B Howe Sport Science Review 1993

Reviews literature in sport psychology, focusing on relevance for coaching science. Topics reviewed include arousal management, focusing/concentration, confidence building, precompetition and competition strategies, and coach leadership behaviors. It is asserted that the current understanding of the psychological components of sport has t...

Cites in Google Scholar: 36
Peer Coachng in Clinical Teaching Formative Assessment of a Case

FP Hekelman, SP Flynn, PB Glover, SS Galazka, J Phillips Evaluation & the Health Professions 1994

Increasingly, medical education, and family medicine in particular, is focusing on improving clinical teaching. Peer coaching represents one alternative for improving and enhancing instruction. It enhances clinicians' understanding and use of new skills by demonstration, practice, and nonevaluativefeedback from their colleagues. This arti...

Cites in Google Scholar: 28
Coach the coach.

PJ Kelly Training & Development Journal 1985

Discusses the benefits to be derived from the coaching of sales representatives by field sales managers and reviews ways to institute such coaching. Trainers may have to convince managers of these benefits by showing that, despite their time constraints, the return on their investment is worthwhile. Trainers who are coaching managers to c...

Cites in Google Scholar: 128
Coaching at the top.

F Kiel, E Rimmer, K Williams, M Doyle Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1996

Presents a systems-oriented approach to the leadership development of top-level executives. A structured program is described that is designed to have a positive impact at the organizational level through focused work with the individual client. Leadership effectiveness is seen as strongly influenced by the individual's past, personal lif...

Cites in Google Scholar: 226
Management Development Roles: Coach, Sponsor and Mentor.

C Atkinson, others Personnel Journal 1980

In a dynamic management development program, effective managers can be trained by other employees enacting the roles of coaches, sponsors, and mentors. By encouraging these relationships, the organization can produce better managers in a less random way.

Cites in Google Scholar: 29
Managerial self-awareness in high-performing individuals in organization

AH Church Journal of Applied Psychology 1997

Individual differences in the construct of managerial self-awareness (MSA)-operationalized as congruence between self and direct reports' behavioral ratings-were examined in 134 high-performing (HP) and 470 average-performing (AV) managers obtained from 4 independent datasets. Results based on several different approaches to measuring rat...

Cites in Google Scholar: 538
Coaching practice in the business-to-business environment

DJ Good Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 1993

A great deal has been written about the importance of marketers evolving into more relationship‐oriented selling practices. It is unclear however, the degree to which this evolution has impacted on the coaching practices of sales managers. Reports a survey of 143 sales managers engaged in business‐to‐business sales which indicates that co...

Cites in Google Scholar: 37
Integrating psychodynamic and systems theories in organization development practice.

R Kilburg Consulting psychology journal: Practice and research 1995

Presents a 17-dimension model that integrates many of the major conceptual features of psychodynamic theory and general systems theory. It describes the principle features of each of the dimensions and many of their interactions, and compares some of the characteristics of each of these theories. Three case examples are presented (i.e., t...

Cites in Google Scholar: 30
Ratings of managerial characteristics: evaluation difficulty, co-worker agreement, and self-awareness

AI Wohlers, M London Personnel Psychology 1989

This research examined variables contributing to self-awareness and coworker agreement on 30 managerial characteristics. The first study collected data from 233 management students on the difficulty of rating different characteristics. It also developed reliable measures of self-protection mechanisms that may negatively influence self-awa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 337
Executive coaching: Developing managerial wisdom in a world of chaos.

R Kilburg American Psychological Association 2000

The unrelenting pace of business in modern organizations places constant pressure on employees, challenging the physical and emotional resources of both staff and supervisors. Consultants have become familiar with the survivalist mentality among workers, each struggling to improve production, solve intractable conflict, and chart realisti...

Cites in Google Scholar: 762
Citations (33 in Portal)
Forward in Time
The coach-coachee relationship in executive coaching: A field study.

L Baron, L Morin Human Resource Development Quarterly 2009

Numerous authors have suggested that the working relationship between coach and coachee constitutes an essential condition to the success of executive coaching. This study empirically investigated the links between the coach-coachee relationship and the success of a coaching intervention in an organizational setting. Data were collected f...

Cites in Google Scholar: 596
Coaching: The Successful Adventure of a Downwardly Mobile Executive.

J Blattner Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2005

This article is a review of a coaching engagement that spanned a 2-year period. The client was an executive with a global corporation. The case study discusses several key elements of the process, including trust, relationship building, and assessment, as well as content of the coaching process. Finally a summary from the coach and client...

Cites in Google Scholar: 53
Resistance, motivational interviewing, and executive coaching.

P Harakas Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2013

In the sphere of executive coaching, there is great need for the development of mature, refined, and nuanced theoretical conceptualizations. This review attempts to bridge the insights gained from specific areas of social, clinical, and counseling psychology with the executive coaching literature. The article reviews and discusses theoret...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
Coaching on the dark side.

E Nelson, R Hogan International Coaching Psychology Review 2009

Dysfunctional personality characteristics can derail the career of an otherwise competent executive. Personality predicts both leadership effectiveness and derailment, and assessment of these characteristics is critical for effective coaching and leader development. This paper reviews the relationship between personality and leadership an...

Cites in Google Scholar: 151
Executive coaching and REBT: Some comments from the field

JP Anderson Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy 2002

Executive Coaching comprises personal counseling, business advice, and advice about managing for people who are in executive management. This involves a one-to-one helping relationship between coach and client. In each case for which executive coaching is sought, there are problems the client has encountered which requires changes in clie...

Cites in Google Scholar: 77
Inspirational chaos: Executive coaching and tolerance of complexity

PJ Webb Australian Academic Press 2005

The historical events of 9/11, the subsequent wars, and the coincidental collapse of corporations and economies have heightened the perception of complexity and uncertainty in the business environment. Executive managers face unprecedented challenges, solutions for which are often beyond the reach of current practice. That we live in turb...

Cites in Google Scholar: 5
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Toward a Profession of Coaching? A Definitional Examination of ‘Coaching,’‘Organization Development,’and ‘Human Resource Development’

RG Hamlin, AD Ellinger, RS Beattie International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2009

During the past few years, the growth of an emergent ‘coaching industry’ has resulted in some scholars calling for the development of a genuine coaching profession. Yet contemporary organization development (OD) and human resource development (HRD) practitioners conceive of coaching as an extant core component of their respective field...

Cites in Google Scholar: 208
Assessing the efficacy of a cognitive behavioural executive coaching-programme

V Libri, T Kemp International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Objectives: Cognitive behavioural techniques have been the mainstay of psychological treatment for many psychologists in clinical practice. However, there is little known in relation to the efficacy of cognitive behavioural techniques for performance enhancement within a non-clinical setting, such as those found in organisational envir...

Cites in Google Scholar: 82
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Two Kinds of Presence: A Comparative Analysis of Face-to-Face and TechnologyBased Mediated Communication Methods and the Executive Coaching Experience

L Drake II 2015

The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of the executive coaching experience among clients who use both face-to-face and technology-based mediated communication methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a 24-item instrument administered to 108 female (n = 56) and male ( n = 52) participants, ranging in age from 27 to...

Cites in Google Scholar: 7
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Psychodynamic Group Executive Coaching: A Literature Review

G Ward, E van de Loo, S ten Have International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014

Group coaching is growing as a leadership development intervention for executives, in business schools and organizations. Benefits include economies of scale, diversity of perspectives, and behavioural change. We studied the psychodynamic group coaching intervention technique practiced at a global business school. This intervention ha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 28
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Examining the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching on Coachees' Performance in the Israeli Context

G Bozer, JC Sarros International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012

While executive coaching is a key means by which organisations and individuals build executives’ capabilities, very little research has investigated how effective or beneficial this development tool is to the individuals or the organisations in which they work. The purpose of this study was to examine executive coaching effectiveness b...

Cites in Google Scholar: 151
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Global coaching and evidence based coaching: Multiple perspectives operating in a process of pragmatic humanism

G Abbott, P Rosinski International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2007

This article highlights relationships between the emerging practice of global coaching, described in Rosinski (2003a, 2006) and six leading ‘evidence based’ approaches to coaching (Stober & Grant, 2006). Attention is given to global coaching in the international business environment, positioning the treatment within an executive coachi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 58
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Time perspectives and perceived effectiveness of peer coaching interventions between managers in an organisational context

J Anzengruber International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2015

This paper examines the influence of managers’ personal time perspectives on perceived peer coaching effectiveness. Relatively little research has been done on peer coaching in business environments and on how to incorporate personal time perspectives into peer coaching settings. This paper investigates the compatibility of different t...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
The coach-client relationship and contributions made by the coach in improving coaching outcome

A O’Broin, S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2006

This paper highlights the paradox of the potential importance of the coach-client relationship to coaching outcome, with a serious lack of studies in this area. Formal research into the coach-client relationship is critical, as its confirmation as a factor instrumental in coaching outcome would have implications for coaching effectiven...

Cites in Google Scholar: 74
Back on track: The coaching journey in executive career derailment

PJ Webb International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Executive career derailment seems to coincide with one of the most significant transitions in life - the midlife ‘crisis’. Career derailment is most commonly caused by insensitivity; both to others needs and to the individuals own developmental needs for authenticity. Executive coaches can form strong developmental relationships with d...

Cites in Google Scholar: 12
A coach's perspective and brief commentary on “Executive consulting under pressure: A case study”.

R Lee Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2010

This article comments on Freedman & Perry’s (2010, this issue) case study “Executive Coaching Under Pressure.” It examines the case from an executive coach’s perspective. Areas discussed include initial contracting, client definition, goal setting, trust, learning, and closure dimensions. The article also focuses on the relationship bet...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
Workplace failure: Mastering the last taboo.

N Newton, C Khanna, J Thompson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2008

Consulting psychologists often coach individuals confronting obvious or implied workplace failure. They face the challenge of facilitating clients’ ability to learn valuable personal and professional lessons from the experience while helping them negotiate the negative psychological, emotional, and practical consequences of failure in...

Cites in Google Scholar: 52
Using emotional intelligence to develop executive leadership and team and organizational development.

J Blattner, A Bacigalupo Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2007

This case study explores how emotional intelligence (EI) was used to facilitate team and organizational cohesiveness. An organizational development (OD) consultant and an executive coach, both senior consultants, facilitated this engagement. An EI assessment and a teambuilding retreat served as the foundation for the process. In ad...

Cites in Google Scholar: 94
Making sense of Team Coaching

S Farmer The Coaching Psychologist 2015

Since Hackman and Wageman’s description of a team coaching model (2005), subsequent commentary and research has been relatively limited compared to that of executive coaching targeted at individuals. This paper seeks to review the core terms that relate to and underpin team coaching, before focusing upon how it has been described and defi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
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A new model of sustainable change in executive coaching: coachees’ attitudes, required resources and routinisation

N Koroleva International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

The existing literature lacks theoretical and empirical research when exploring the phenomenon of sustainable change as a result of executive coaching. Despite the rapid growth of executive coaching, there is a disconnection between practice and academic research in assessing sustainable change. This means that reflective practitioners fa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 21
3.38 MB
Executive Coaching in Organisations: The Personal is the Professional

M Cavanagh, A Grant International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2004

Coaches sometimes make the case that executive, workplace and personal (life) coaching are substantially different coaching applications. Exploring these issues it is concluded that there are indeed considerable overlaps between the personal and the professional in relation to executive coaching in organisations. To be truly effective, ex...

Cites in Google Scholar: 33
1.14 MB
What Communications or Relational Factors Characterize the Method, Skills and Techniques of Executive Coaching?

F Moen, R Kvalsund International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2008

This article aims to clarify executive coaching by describing the coaching process through an examination of relevant theory. Establishing a relationship based on mutuality between the coach and the coachee is central to the coaching process as we see it. For the coachee to achieve independence and greater control of his or her own learni...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
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Chief Executive Officers and Their Trusted Advisor Relationships: A Qualitative Study from the CEO's Perspective

W Slenders 2010

The goal of this phenomenological study was to investigate and describe, from the Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO’s) perspective, the relationship between CEOs and their trusted advisors. This phenomenon is significant because CEOs at the top of their organizations increasingly find themselves isolated. To whom do they turn and trust for g...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
The third ‘generation’ of workplace coaching: creating a culture of quality conversations

A Grant Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

Workplace coaching is increasingly used in organisations. Workplace coaching is conducted internally within an organisation for the purpose of helping employees, managers and leaders attain work-related goals. Workplace coaching methodologies have evolved over time. The first ‘generation’ (1990s) focused on performance management. A hallm...

Cites in Google Scholar: 128
The effect of business coaching and mentoring on small-to-medium enterprise performance and growth

B Crompton 2012

This thesis aims to address the principal question of whether business coaching directly or indirectly enhances firm financial performance and growth. The present thesis incorporates four comprehensive and inter-related studies designed to investigate the contribution of business coaching to firm growth in cohorts of start-up companies an...

Cites in Google Scholar: 53
Internal versus external executive coaching

M Schalk, J Landeta Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017

The purpose of this paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external executive coaching. To this end, it offers a thorough review of the literature and an exploratory study based on the Delphi method with 40 selected experts, who gave answers based on their own experience. The results indicate that the decision o...

Cites in Google Scholar: 34
Broadening and building solution-focused coaching: feeling good is not enough

A Grant, S O'Connor Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2018

Past research has found that solution-focused (SF) coaching questions led to more positive outcomes than problem-focused (PF) coaching questions. Another body of research (Broaden and Build Theory; Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 300–319) posits that positive emotions promote...

Cites in Google Scholar: 57
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