The handbook of coaching
F Hudson Jossey-Bass 1999
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The purpose of the present study is to investigate how learning experiences acquired through workplace coaching may affect stress. I identify two main learning experiences in the coaching process, insight and planning skills, and propose that these affect stress directly and also indirectly through mediators’ job demand, job control, a...
As coaching’s popularity has risen as a tool in executive and organizational development, questions of effectiveness and potential outcomes arise. Through research investigating coaching effectiveness and outcomes, different studies have fulfilled different research approaches of exploration, description, and explanation. This article dis...
Coaching is a profession that is rapidly becoming popular among both organizations and practitioners, yet there is little empirical evidence linking the results to the process. This leaves a rapidly growing industry (now $1billion annually) without universally accepted standards or guidelines. Practitioners are left to decide for themselv...
Two schools of thought exist about the purpose and process of coaching. One school of thought holds the strong belief or assumption that the purpose of coaching is to change behaviour through a goal-directed approach. The counterview has the underlying assumption that coaching is a meaning-making process, a shared journey that may or may ...