Evidence-based executive coaching and action research: A natural fit
G Abbott, A Grant Proceedings of the second ICF coaching research symposium 2004
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Coaching can be an effective and integral component of leadership development programs. Popular among human resource professionals and clients, coaching facilitates leaders’ professional growth and helps to build a powerful team—from executives to first-line managers and team leaders. Coaching has a proven track record of success, and man...
This article derives from doctoral research which took a client perspective and a grounded theory approach to investigate how new secondary school headteachers use coaching and mentoring. Six newly appointed headteachers in England were interviewed three times during their first year in post. The article reports one aspect of the findi...
Purpose: In 2007 the Norwegian attempt by Standards Norway to develop common standards for coaching collapsed in disarray. The purpose of this article is to explore the Norwegian attempt in order to see what lessons can be learnt that may assist in the further maturation of the coaching industry. Methods & Results: In this paper we use...
The question for this research was: Does executive coaching impact the success of franchisees? Six volunteer franchisees participated in 3-month coaching engagements, where different coaching methods and philosophies were utilized, such as co-active, facilitative, cognitive-behavioral, leadership, and positive as well as other executive c...
In this paper, we examine coaching’s innovativeness through a comparison of its approaches and methods with those of more established helping professions. Using extant literature, we consider the nature of innovation before going on to examine coaching’s core beliefs and values, theoretical paradigms, and its goals, techniques, and method...
As the coaching industry has grown over the past twenty years, so has the interest in coaching supervision. Although most in the industry agree that supervision plays a valuable role, few agree about what that role should actually be. Even the de nition of coaching supervision is widely debated. This paper provides background and history ...
Two schools of thought exist about the purpose and process of coaching. One school of thought holds the strong belief or assumption that the purpose of coaching is to change behaviour through a goal-directed approach. The counterview has the underlying assumption that coaching is a meaning-making process, a shared journey that may or may ...
Technology has changed the way we conduct business and interact with each other. Whether we are accomplishing tasks, completing projects, or enhancing our personal development, we are no longer confined to face-to-face encounters. Our society is becoming more and more reliant on virtual means to communicate and to conduct business. These ...
Interest in coaching and mentoring has increased over the past decades. However, confusion about what is meant in practice and in the literature and the lack of sound definitions makes it hard to research the antecedents and outcomes of both concepts. We show that coaching and mentoring share a lot, but they are often treated as separate...