D MacKie Consulting Psychology Journal 2014
This study attempts to investigate the effectiveness of a strength-based coaching methodology in enhancing elements of the full range leadership model, especially transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is the process whereby leaders engage and influence their followers toward attaining a shared vision through their capac...
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J Passmore, D Peterson, T Freire Wiley-Blackwell 2013
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N Lauzon Journal of Education and Human Development 2015
The general objective of this study is to examine the coaching offered by Québec school boards to new
school principals during their professional integration period. More specifically, it aims to study coaches’
perceptions of: 1) the positive impacts expected from executive coaching, 2) the factors that facilitate this
coaching, and 3)...
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R Stelter New York 2012
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384 KB
D Gray, A Burls, M Kogan International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014
This paper presents findings from a proof of concept pilot study that explored the usefulness
of a new Salutogenic model in coaching practice. The model aligns with the positive mindset
inculcated in coaching, health, and wellbeing initiatives, and was developed and tested by three
coaches who work in executive coaching, eco-coaching...
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174 KB
E Forbes International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014
This interpretive study explores what coaching offers to creative writers using the
imagery of writers as travellers through a landscape. Semi-structured interviews were
undertaken with coaches and writers; data analysis used an inductive approach. Findings
underlined the importance of the coach-coachee relationship and shed light on t...
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J Anzengruber International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2015
This paper examines the influence of managers’ personal time perspectives on perceived peer
coaching effectiveness. Relatively little research has been done on peer coaching in business
environments and on how to incorporate personal time perspectives into peer coaching settings. This
paper investigates the compatibility of different t...
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F Williams International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014
When designing, undertaking and presenting research, there are many decisions to be taken by a
researcher. This paper explores the author’s experiences and reflections in respect of some of those
decision points. The paper is based on a central narrative thread in the author’s dissertation for their
Master’s degree - an action research...
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63 KB
K Cowan International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2013
The notion of goals as central to the coaching process is reflected in practice literature, popular
coaching models and research, with an emphasis placed on the effectiveness of coachee-led goalsetting.
In executive coaching however, the organisation may assign goals to determine outcomes for
both business and individual. How this dyna...
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K Toogood International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012
Interest in strengths-based coaching is growing, yet whilst there is evidence that focusing on
strengths is beneficial, there is scant research within a coaching context and literature offers limited
practical guidance. This phenomenological analysis study investigates six executive coaches’ beliefs
about the practice and impact of str...
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M Sherlock-Storey, M Moss, S Timson The Coaching Psychologist 2013
Purpose: This article outlines a small-scale exploratory study focusing upon the impact of a brief coaching
intervention on participant levels of resilience in the face of organisational change. The study sought to
pilot a brief, three-session resilience coaching programme and explore the impact upon participants’ reported
levels of re...
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S Walston Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2014
Although coaching is widely being used as a means for leadership development, very little is known regarding CEOs' perceived value of coaching and those factors that influence these perceptions. Using 583 complete surveys from a national US survey of hospitals, this article examines the relationship of organisational and individual charac...
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S Sonesh, C Coultas, S Marlow, C Lacerenza, D Reyes, E Salas Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2015
Although executive coaching has been shown to be effective, few research initiatives have attempted to understand the importance of the emergent relationship between a coach and coachee. This article explores the factors that influence coaching outcomes from both the coach and coachee’s perspective and presents the results of the mediatin...
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M Barr, C van Nieuwerburgh International Coaching Psychology Review 2015
Objectives: This study sought to explore teachers’ experiences of a coaching psychology intervention –
an introductory coaching training workshop that included a positive psychology intervention and episodes
of narrative-collaborative group coaching.
Design: A qualitative design was applied to explore the participants’ experiences. Int...
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T Bachkirova, L Arthur, E Reading International Coaching Psychology Review 2015
Objectives: This paper describes an independently conducted research study to develop appropriate measures
and evaluate the coaching/mentoring programme that the London Deanery had been running for over five
years. It also aims to explore specific challenges in the evaluation of a large-scale coaching programme and
to suggest new solut...
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S Linder-Pelz, J Lawley International Coaching Psychology Review 2015
Objectives: This paper aims to contribute methodologically and substantively to understanding how coachees
experience and evaluate coaching. First, we explore the use of ‘Clean Language’ as a phenomenological
approach to coaching research, including the eliciting and analysing of data into findings and insights for
coaches and coach tr...
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568 KB
M Ricciardi, J Schaller, D Garcia, T Archer The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching: Publish... 2015
There is a continuous need for empirical evidence regarding the impact and experience
of coaching leadership. The purpose of this study was to describe the effects from a
coaching leadership program. The results indicated that the majority of the participants
in the program used the skills acquired during the program (e.g., communicati...
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S Timson The Coaching Psychologist 2015
This paper presents the results of a qualitative study exploring clients’ perspectives of the impact and helpfulness of a brief coaching programme designed to increase individual resilience during a period of organisational change.
Managers in a UK public sector organisation participated in a three-session resilience coaching programme...
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H Ditzig ICF Singapore Charter Chapter Newsletter 2016
In this review we will provide a brief introduction to meta-analytic studies and the meaning of ‘effect size’ used to determine the size of the impact that coaching has. We will then review the three recently published meta-analyses of coaching (Theeboom et al., 2014; Jones et al., 2015; and Sonesh et al., 2015).
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E Turner, P Hawkins 2015
This research, explores how to gain maximum value from multi-stakeholder contracting with the aim of sharing best practice. It is based on over 650 questionnaire responses from coaches, organisations and clients on the impact, benefit and challenges of stakeholder contracting. For the first time it has also provided guidance from parti...
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R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016
In this article, executive or leadership coaching is considered within a broad context of the history of general applied psychology. Executive coaching is briefly explored in its major applications. Advocacy of the randomized controlled trials approach to advance the science base of the field is questioned. The current scientific and conc...
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E Turner, P Hawkins International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016
Multi-stakeholder contracting for coaching takes place in organisational settings worldwide. This article presents the results and implications of an international study which explored its use in executive and business coaching, with the aim of sharing best practice and achieving maximum value for all participants. Respondents (n=651) wer...
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W Hofmans 2015
The evaluation of the exact impact of executive coaching on both individuals and organisations is lagging behind. This has been demonstrated by the few empirical studies which link coaching to improved outcomes. This particular research project focuses on the coaching of leaders in organisations. It draws on resources from the fields of L...
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M Lopez International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
Vague definitional descriptors of the Coaching Alliance Common Factor measurement threaten construct validity in coaching research. Further, differing coach and client perceptions of the helping relationship, and coaching and therapeutic client dissimilarities compound the risk. Ten clients representing a global leadership coaching practi...
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P Henriques, C Curado, P Matos Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017
This study addresses three coach behaviours’ effects (warmness behaviour (WB); stimulating action (SA) and planning and structuring activities (PSA)) in two dimensions of coaching outcomes (coachee’s performance (CP) and the quality of the coach–coachee relationship (QCCR)). The paper argues that coaching is a helpful tool to achieve grea...
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P Williams International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
This paper explores the perceived challenges an organisation may face when planning to introduce internal coaching into a fast-paced, volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. Using a case study methodology, the research is based on 14 semi-structured interviews and interrogation of company documents. The study reveal...
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T Erodes EMCC Mentoring and Coaching Research Conference 2017
What do we know from qualitative research in coaching and mentoring about client attributes that may be important to effectiveness?
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Y- Lai, A McDowall Coaching Psykologi 2016
This report summarises a conference paper presented at the 4th International Congress hosted by the British Psychological Society’s Special Group in Coaching Psychology in London, December 2014. A further discussion of a Systematic Review (SR) study which aimed to strengthen evidence-based coaching through reviewing existing studies in Co...
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A O’Broin Coaching Psykologi 2016
The advent of the current stage of coaching research seeking to identify how coaching works, or the ‘active ingredients’ of coaching has taken coaching relationship research into a more prominent position. In exploring the questions of what we know about the coaching relationship and its role in coaching and coaching outcomes, and how we ...
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S Jordan, S Gessnitzer, S Kauffeld Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017
The majority of the numerous train-the-coach courses in the growing coaching market are not evidence-based and evaluate neither the personal development of coaches during these courses nor their effects on clients’ subsequent coaching success. The aim of our study was to investigate the development of coaches’ career-related variables dur...
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M Schalk, J Landeta Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017
The purpose of this paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external executive coaching. To this end, it offers a thorough review of the literature and an exploratory study based on the Delphi method with 40 selected experts, who gave answers based on their own experience. The results indicate that the decision o...
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R Ladyshewsky, R Taplin International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
This study explored the perceptions of an employee’s manager as coach behaviour and the relationship to their perceived work engagement. The Measurement Model of Coaching Skills (MMCS) by Park and colleagues and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) were used as the tools to measure this relationship. The MMCS was also validated furthe...
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A Stewart-Lord, L Baillie, S Woods International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
This study aimed to determine the value of the Coaching and Mentoring (C&M) Programme within a large National Health Service (NHS) system (‘Trust’) in London, England. A case study design was utilised with units of analysis: mentors, mentees, coaches, coachees, and line managers. Semi-structured interviews (n=32) took place in 2015. Findi...
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D Tee, D Shearer, G Roderique-Davies International Coaching Psychology Review 2017
This pilot study builds on previous research applying the ‘active ingredients’ model to coaching psychology and seeking to identify client traits that may predict coaching efficacy. It examines the relationship between the four ‘core self-evaluation’ traits (self-esteem, generalised self-efficacy, locus of control and neuroticism) and the...
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T Robinson, D Morrow, M Miller Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2017
Insight represents a cognitive leap in understanding that is distinct from other types of problem-solving. How moments of insight subsequently link to behaviour has not been investigated in real world settings such as coaching. By extending findings from neuroscience into the field of life coaching, our study examined the link between mom...
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V Nanduri International Coaching Psychology Review 2018
Objectives: This study addressed three research questions: How do participants perceive the effects of coaching and sustain changes a year later? What challenges were experienced by the coachees in sustaining their changes? What factors enabled the coachees in sustaining their changes?
Design: The study employed Interpretative Phenomen...
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R Noon International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018
Presence is considered by the practitioner community to be a key factor in coaching effectiveness and is recognised as an important coaching competence. Yet to date, there has been little formal research into this phenomenon in executive coaching. By adopting a constructivist stance, this qualitative study uses the methodology of conceptu...
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272 KB
S Fontannaz International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018
Concerted efforts have been made to define and distinguish coaching as an emerging discipline and profession to develop confidence in the potentiality of coaching. Multiple perspectives on coaching exist, which are influenced by perceptions, expectations and experiences of coaching. This article draws on an instrumental case study situate...
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V Nanduri Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and P... 2018
Company restructure and retrenchment is a sensitive issue for all affected as well as involved, to adopt various strategies to deal with this situation. The use of a coaching intervention as a support strategy in this situation has not been given much attention in practice. In this paper the practitioner-researcher presents the details of...
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M Mattar, C van Nieuwerburgh, M Barr, Y Jacob International Coaching Psychology Review 2018
Objectives: This study aimed to explore how eight female leaders from four Arab countries experienced their leadership journey, and to consider a potential role for coaching in that developmental journey.
Design and Method: A qualitative design was applied to explore the participants’ experiences. Data collection was through semi-struc...
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E Ostrowski 2018
The challenges of entrepreneurship make learning integral to the entrepreneurial process. However, many entrepreneurs work in relative isolation and lack opportunities to engage with peers in ways that promote meaningful reflection and learning. This study explores the experience of group coaching as a setting for meaningful learning and ...
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E Ostrowski Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019
Group coaching may facilitate individual learning and change over time through
the social processes of learning vicariously and learning through feedback. While
anecdotal evidence shows there may be potential benefits of applying group
coaching to a graduate school learning environment, there are several challenges
which warrant consi...
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691 KB
N Terblanche, J Passmore, J Myburgh South African Journal of Business Management 2021
Purpose: More context-specific research regarding the praxis of organisational coaching was
needed for increased understanding of this emerging profession. Whilst progress was being
made internationally, African coaching practice research was sparse, leading to potentially
false assumptions about local praxis based on international tre...
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P Mathew, A Nawaz Hakrob International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2022
Coaching is widely adopted by various types of organizations in order to facilitate the achievement of personal, professional and organisational goals. This case study of a coaching programme in a private higher education institution (HEI) in Oman, aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme, identify the challenges encountered by...
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S Diller, J Passmore Frontiers in Psychology 2023
The term ‘digital coaching’ is widely used but ill-defined. The present study therefore investigates how digital coaching is defined and how it differentiates from face-to-face coaching and other digital-technology-enabled (DT-enabled) formats, such as digital training, digital mentoring, or digital consulting. A qualitative inductive a...
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A Hughes, C Vaccaro International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2024
This longitudinal qualitative study explores how social interactions between young professionals and their leadership coach develop leader identity. Examining eleven pairs of coaches and clients participating in a three-to-six-month leadership development programme, this exploratory research found five general interaction types that form ...
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