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References (20 in Portal)
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G Dai, MKP De, R Lee An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 2009
The popularity of executive coaching has increased dramatically in both the practitioner world and academia during the past decade. However, evaluating the effectiveness of coaching has lagged behind. Executive coaching is a multi-disciplinary practice, and professionals from many different scholarly backgrounds provide coaching services....
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G Dai, MKP De Korn/Ferry Institute 2009
While executive coaching has increased markedly during recent years, the professional application of coaching, our understanding of when to use coaching, and the evaluation of its effectiveness has lagged far behind. The purpose of the current study is to review empirical studies on executive coaching in the literature, synthesize their f...
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M Cavanagh, A Grant International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2004
The coaching industry has reached a key important point in its maturation. This
maturation is being driven by at least three interrelated forces: (1) accumulated coaching
experience; (2) the increasing entry of professionals into coaching from a wide variety of
prior backgrounds; and (3) the increasing sophistication of management and ...
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D MacKie Australian Psychologist 2007
To date there have been no universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a successful outcome in executive coaching. This has been partly a function of the range of activities undertaken within the coaching medium and partly the fact that commercial realities mitigate against controlled trials teasing out mediating and moderating var...
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J McGovern, M Lindemann, M Vergara, S Murphy, L Barker, R Wa... Manchester Review 2001
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MBA O'Neill Jossey-Bass 2007
Book Description: Praise for Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart "In this book, O'Neill brings form and structure to the art of executive coaching. Novices are provided a path while seasoned practitioners will find affirmation." --Daryl R. Conner, CEO and president, ODR-USA, Inc. "Mary Beth O'Neill's executive coaching gave me the ...
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B Underhill, K McAnally, J Koriath Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2007
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K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal 2003
While executive coaching continues to mushroom as a practice area, there has been little outcome research. This article presents the results of a study that explored factors influencing the choice of a coach, executives' reactions to working with a coach, the pros and cons of both internal and external coaches, the focus of executive coac...
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M O'Neill John Wiley & Sons 2011
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I Stein, L Page Proceedings of the Fourth Coaching Research Symposium 2006
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3.19 MB
M McDermott, A Levenson, S Newton People and Strategy 2007
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29 KB
P Sherman 2005
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530 KB
PS Wise, LS Voss Lore Research Institute 2002
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E de Haan John Wiley \& Sons 2011
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DC Feldman, MJ Lankau Journal of management 2005
The use of executive coaching as a developmental intervention for managers has increased dramatically during the past decade. Consequently, there has been a burgeoning practitioner literature on the topic of executive coaching. Empirical research on executive coaching, however, has lagged far behind, and theoretical work on the processes ...
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T Bachkirova, P Jackson, D Clutterbuck McGraw-Hill Education (UK) 2011
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J Bolt Harvard business review 2005
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WR Torbert, B Torbert Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2004
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124 KB
G Ward International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2008
Coaching in different forms is prevalent in many European organisations. However, individuals
typically receive coaching in the traditional dyadic form. Groups are generally formed only for
training. In this article, it is argued that coaching executives in groups to leverage collective
experience in an experiential encounter and provi...
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MH Frisch Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001
Growing from the demand for flexible, targeted development options and the acceptance of executive coaching emerges the role of the internal coach, a professional within an organization who, as a formal part of his or her job, coaches managers and executives. This article identifies this trend, defines the role of the internal coach, comp...
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P Hawkins McGraw-Hill International 2012
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Citations (9 in Portal)
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