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References (9 in Portal)
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A survey of executive coaching practices.

D Peterson, J Bono, R Purvanova, A Towler Personnel Psychology 2009

Despite the ubiquity of executive coaching interventions in business organizations, there is little uniformity in the practices (e.g., assessment tools, scientific or philosophical approaches, activities, goals, and outcome evaluation methods) of executive coaches. Addressing the ongoing debate about the role of psychology in executive co...

Cites in Google Scholar: 506
The Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Executive Coaching.

M Ducharme Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2004

This article is an attempt to evaluate the appropriateness of the cognitive-behavioral approach for use in executive coaching engagements. The basic tenets of cognitive- behavior therapy, as well as its conceptual underpinnings, are reviewed. Following this, a discussion of how well the goals of executive coaching are met by a cognitive-b...

Cites in Google Scholar: 184
Executive coaching: Towards a dynamic alliance of psychotherapy and transformative learning processes.

D Gray Management Learning 2006

Coaching is emerging as a major professional development and performance enhancement process. There are, however, few professional development programmes aimed at coaches themselves, and no internationally recognized qualification or professional standard. Much of the literature on coaching has been written by those with a human psycholog...

Cites in Google Scholar: 327
Using multisource feedback coaching effectively in executive education.

R Hooijberg, N Lane Academy of Management Learning & Education 2009

Many executive education programs that are focused on leadership now use multisource feedback. Both the faculty and clients then hope that providing this feedback will lead to performance improvements. Multisource feedback research has shown, however, that the extent to which improvement occurs depends on a variety of personality variable...

Cites in Google Scholar: 128
Executive coaching: A conceptual framework from an integrative review of practice and research

B Joo Human Resource Development Review 2005

Executive coaching has become increasingly popular despite limited empirical evidence about its impact and wide disagreement about necessary or desired professional qualifications. This article examines the practice of executive coaching, investigating the useful underlying theories by reviewing previous research. It also provides a conce...

Cites in Google Scholar: 750
Citations (7 in Portal)
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Efficacy of Immunity-to-Change Coaching for Leadership Development.

I Markus The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2013

This study is the first formal, quantitative investigation of the effectiveness of Immunity-to-Change coaching for leadership development. Forty-five supervisors who engaged in Immunity-to-Change coaching were compared with a comparison group of 25 supervisors from the same company to determine whether coached participants reported more p...

Cites in Google Scholar: 30
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Awareness based technologies for leadership development: utilising Immunity to Change coaching

J Reams International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2015

This article presents a study of the use of Immunity to Change (ITC) coaching in an integrated leadership development programme as an example of awareness based leadership development technology. Constructivist developmental theories of leadership, self-awareness and the use of ITC coaching are reviewed. Findings from interviews with ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 32
Identity construction in coaching: Schemas, information processing, and goal commitment

C Coultas, E Salas Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2015

Leadership coaching is a nearly $2 billion per year industry (International Coach Federation, 2012), and although many different theories and approaches to coaching exist, relatively little is known about the differential effectiveness of various coaching approaches. Grounded in theories germane to but that transcend coaching (e.g., socia...

Cites in Google Scholar: 18
The preventative impact of management coaching on psychological strain

A Weinberg International Coaching Psychology Review 2016

Objectives: The positive impact of coaching on a range of outcomes, including the well-being of those in receipt of it, has been highlighted by a number of published reviews (e.g. de Haan & Duckworth, 2013) and meta-analyses (e.g. Jones, Woods & Guillaume, 2015). The objective of this study was to assess the potential for coaching to act ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 24
302 KB
A new model of sustainable change in executive coaching: coachees’ attitudes, required resources and routinisation

N Koroleva International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

The existing literature lacks theoretical and empirical research when exploring the phenomenon of sustainable change as a result of executive coaching. Despite the rapid growth of executive coaching, there is a disconnection between practice and academic research in assessing sustainable change. This means that reflective practitioners fa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
Personal Transformation: Developing Self-Processing Competence Through Coaching

L Steyn, A Barnard International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2024

This study employed a qualitative, hermeneutic phenomenological approach to explore personal transformation and how it manifests in the coaching process. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven senior leaders who had previously engaged in a coaching programme of at least six sessions. The findings describe personal transforma...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1
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