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Critical moments in a coaching case study: Illustration of a process research model.

de Haan. E., C Niess Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2012

Descriptions of critical moments of coaching, defined as exciting, tense, or significant moments from the time spent in the coaching conversation experienced by an executive coach and one of his clients, are analyzed and compared. Positioned within a tradition of analyzing critical-moment descriptions, the study makes use of data collecte...

Cites in Google Scholar: 63
Relating in executive coaching: A behavioural systems approach.

M Visser Journal of Management Development 2010

Purpose – In recent research the strength and nature of the relationship between coaches and executives appears as a critical success factor in successful coaching outcomes. However, little theory has as yet been devoted to an analysis of how relationships are used in executive coaching. Such an analysis requires going from the monadic, ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 49
Coaching relationship in executive coaching: a Malaysian study

G Gan, C Chong Journal of Management Development 2015

Purpose – In order to bridge the gap and provide organizations with practical assistance in dealing with the effectiveness of executive coaching. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between coaching relationship which constitutes of rapport, trust, commitment and match with coaching effectiveness in Malaysia using...

Cites in Google Scholar: 109
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