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References (8 in Portal)
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Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.

A Bandura Psychological Review 1977

Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping beh...

Cites in Google Scholar: 111601
Coaching on leadership

M Popper, R Lipshitz Leadership & Organization Development Journal 1992

Coaching is a much‐discussed topic on which little has been written at a thoeretical level. Relates coaching to Bandura′s theory of sefefficacy and Schon′s work on developing reflective practitioners. Claiming that enhancement of self‐efficacy (a sense of mastery in a particular domain) is central to coaching, describes how self‐efficacy ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 231
Working with executives: Consulting, counseling, and coaching.

L Sperry Individual Psychology: Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research ... 1993

Describes the inner world and needs of today's executives and how psychologists and psychiatrists can respond to their need for consulting, coaching, and counseling. Profiles of the healthy, distressed, and impaired executive are sketched, and 3 types of services are described: executive consulting, executive counseling, and executive coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 170
Mentorship and career mobility: An empirical investigation

TA Scandura Journal of organizational behavior 1992

The literature on mentorship is briefly reviewed, revealing that many studies have documented the functions that mentors provide to proteges, including vocational and psychosocial support. This study investigates the link between these functions and the career mobility outcomes of proteges. Results from a random sample of 244 manufacturin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 1874
Citations (5 in Portal)
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The role of coachee characteristics in executive coaching for effective sustainability.

G Bozer, J Sarros, J Santora Journal of Management Development 2013

Purpose – Executive coaching is gaining in popularity as a management developmental activity which facilitates organisational change for sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships among coachee feedback receptivity, pre‐training motivation, learning goal orientation, developmental self‐efficacy, self‐report...

Cites in Google Scholar: 157
A quasi-experimental study on management coaching effectiveness.

WJG Evers, A Brouwers, W Tomic Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2006

Coaching has become an important managerial instrument of support. However, there is lack of research on its effectiveness. The authors conducted a quasi-experimental study to figure out whether coaching really leads to presupposed individual goals. Sixty managers of the federal government were divided in two groups: one group followed a ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 404
It's not me, it's you: A multilevel examination of variables that impact employee coaching relationships.

J Gregory, P Levy Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Coaching: An Int... 2011

Employee coaching, which we consider to be a critical part of the performance management process, is coaching done by a manager or supervisor with his or her direct reports. The current article builds on recent research on the importance of the employee coaching relationship by investigating individual difference and contextual variables ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 182
Executive coaching: A comprehensive review of the literature.

S Kampa-Kokesch, M Anderson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001

The author would like to indicate that unfortunately, Peterson’s (1993) dissertation on executive coaching outcomes was excluded from the original literature review conducted by Kampa-Kokesch and Anderson (2001). Later, Kampa and White (2002) stated that Peterson’s (1993) dissertation was excluded due to the programmatic nature of the coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 881
Coaching leaders in middle and executive management: Goals, performance, buy-in

S Bowles, CJL Cunningham, GM De La Rosa, J Picano Leadership & Organization Development Journal 2007

Purpose – This article aims to test the effectiveness of coaching for middle and executive level managers within a large recruiting organization. Design/methodology/approach – Participants set goals to achieve during a 12‐month coaching programme. The sample consisted of middle managers (n=30) and executive managers (n=29) involved i...

Cites in Google Scholar: 206
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