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Executive coaching: Towards a dynamic alliance of psychotherapy and transformative learning processes.

D Gray Management Learning 2006

Coaching is emerging as a major professional development and performance enhancement process. There are, however, few professional development programmes aimed at coaches themselves, and no internationally recognized qualification or professional standard. Much of the literature on coaching has been written by those with a human psycholog...

Cites in Google Scholar: 327
An integrated model of developmental coaching.

O Laske Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1999

This article outlines a coaching paradigm derived from constructive-developmental psychology, family therapy supervision, and theories of organizational cognition. The paradigm is one of transformative, developmental coaching, and thus it differs from both cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic approaches. The paradigm is exemplified by a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 215
Executive coaching: Developing managerial wisdom in a world of chaos.

R Kilburg American Psychological Association 2000

The unrelenting pace of business in modern organizations places constant pressure on employees, challenging the physical and emotional resources of both staff and supervisors. Consultants have become familiar with the survivalist mentality among workers, each struggling to improve production, solve intractable conflict, and chart realisti...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series.

L Daloz ERIC 1999

This book offers perspectives for understanding adult learners and suggests in practical ways based on current development theory how higher education professionals can work more effectively to improve the quality of the educational experience for these students. Using the metaphor of a journey, the book explores the process of adult lear...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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From coach training to coach education: Teaching coaching within a comprehensively evidence based framework

OE Laske International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2006

This paper outlines the conceptual framework for coach education used at the Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM) that focuses on changes in adult cognition and socialemotional capability. The framework derives from research by Piaget, his followers in the Kohlberg School at Harvard University, and the Frankfurt School (Critical Theory)....

Cites in Google Scholar: 56
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Coaching with a Global Mindset

W Wilson International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2013

This article reports on a study that assessed professional cross-cultural coaches’ awareness and interpretation of ‘global mindedness’. With focus group discussions as its main data collection method, the grounded-theory study identifies how the criticality of an experience can lead to a transformation of the self and the developmen...

Cites in Google Scholar: 28
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What is Relationship Coaching?

Y Ives International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012

This paper presents an initial conceptualisation of relationship coaching for single people. The needs of singles are often ignored or misunderstood, and this paper argues that coaching offers an effective framework for helping them form and secure sustainable life-partnerships. Relationshipcoaching is here portrayed as a nuanced balanc...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
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Mentoring a Behavioural Coach in Thinking Developmentally: A Dialogue

O Laske International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2008

In this paper, presented largely in the form of a dialogue, I outline the mental processes required for engaging with the Constructive Developmental Framework (CPF) (Laske, 1999). From among the varieties of process consultation potentially benefiting from using CDF, I focus on coaching. I speak from experience with CDF, rather than pr...

Cites in Google Scholar: 11
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Global coaching and evidence based coaching: Multiple perspectives operating in a process of pragmatic humanism

G Abbott, P Rosinski International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2007

This article highlights relationships between the emerging practice of global coaching, described in Rosinski (2003a, 2006) and six leading ‘evidence based’ approaches to coaching (Stober & Grant, 2006). Attention is given to global coaching in the international business environment, positioning the treatment within an executive coachi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 60
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Using the ‘Autodidact’ Subject-Object Interview in coaching: The experience of learning to administer and score the Subject-Object Interview through self-teaching

F van Diemen van Thor International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2014

The use of the in coaching is on the increase. This qualitative study discusses the experience of a coach who taught herself to conduct, analyse and score the Subject-Object Interview (SOI) (Lahey, Souvaine, Kegan, Goodman & Felix, 2011). Using heuristic inquiry the study explored what is involved in learning to conduct the SOI with th...

Cites in Google Scholar: 11
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Expatriation in the Light of Post-Conventional EgoDevelopment: Working with Expatriate Clients in a Developmental Context

E Kiss International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012

This heuristic research study places the phenomenon of expatriation into a developmental context and explores how cultural relocation may contribute towards individuals' post-conventional ego-development. The expansion of the phenomenon due to the accelerated process of globalisation has resulted in an increasing need for a better unde...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
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Coaching and the Change Paradox: A Heuristic Study

R Munro International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2012

Research shows that a desired change, even when attempted, is not always sustained; this is the change paradox. Using a heuristic methodology this study focused on the experiences of six coresearchers as they explored their own change paradox within a coaching setting using the Immunity to Change process. The findings were fused into a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
Building a robustness against ageism: The potential role of coaching and coaching psychology

KL Moore The Coaching Psychologist 2012

Older workers are commonly perceived to be less able to adapt to change, particularly during challenging times such as those we are now experiencing. This paper will explore the origins and impact of such negative stereotyping and suggest a possible means to guard against it. It will then provide a consideration of how such a mechanism...

Cites in Google Scholar: 5
Positive coaching with frontline managers: enhancing their effectiveness and understanding why

N Yu, CG Collins, M Cavanagh, K White, G Fairbrother International Coaching Psychology Review 2008

Coaching is increasingly being used in the health sector, with staff and patients. Despite this increase there is only a small body of empirical evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of coaching in health care settings. Objectives: This study evaluated the effectiveness of a workplace coaching programme (WCP) aimed at enhancing...

Cites in Google Scholar: 60
On the unity of behavioural and developmental perspectives in coaching

O Laske International Coaching Psychology Review 2008

The Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) is a psychometric tool for coaching research, coaching practice, and more broadly for managing human capital. CDF assesses clients’ present frame of reference (world view) from the double perspective of two strands of adult development: cognitive and socialemotional development. It scrutin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 20
Back on track: The coaching journey in executive career derailment

PJ Webb International Coaching Psychology Review 2006

Executive career derailment seems to coincide with one of the most significant transitions in life - the midlife ‘crisis’. Career derailment is most commonly caused by insensitivity; both to others needs and to the individuals own developmental needs for authenticity. Executive coaches can form strong developmental relationships with d...

Cites in Google Scholar: 14
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Awareness based technologies for leadership development: utilising Immunity to Change coaching

J Reams International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2015

This article presents a study of the use of Immunity to Change (ITC) coaching in an integrated leadership development programme as an example of awareness based leadership development technology. Constructivist developmental theories of leadership, self-awareness and the use of ITC coaching are reviewed. Findings from interviews with ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 32
Transformative Learning and Executive Coaching in the Workplace

E Rankin 2015

Transformative learning is a concept most often associated with the field of education. However, organizations are often seeking to transform executives in order to prepare them for more responsibility, more challenging roles or environments. Coaching is often used as one of the interventions to help facilitate significant executiv...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
Model agility: Coaching effectiveness and four perspectives on a case study

C Kauffman, W Hodgetts Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

The effectiveness of coaching can be enhanced if coaches are familiar with multiple psychological models, can hold these in mind simultaneously, and are able to apply them as appropriate to their clients—a capacity we refer to as model agility. To illustrate this capacity we first explore some of its ramifications and parallels to the cha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
Model agility: Coaching effectiveness and four perspectives on a case study

C Kauffman, W Hodgetts Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

The effectiveness of coaching can be enhanced if coaches are familiar with multiple psychological models, can hold these in mind simultaneously, and are able to apply them as appropriate to their clients—a capacity we refer to as model agility. To illustrate this capacity we first explore some of its ramifications and parallels to the cha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
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A leap into the unknown: The self-employed coach's experience of self-doubt

S Petherick International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

This study explores the experience of self-doubt of four self-employed coaches. The study sought to explore the metaphorical meaning-making of the participants, and semi-structured interviews were augmented by imagery created by the participants to visually depict their experience of self-doubt. The data were gathered and analysed using a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
Authentic Leadership isn’t just about ethical leadership, it’s also about strategic leadership

T Fusco, S O'Riordan, S Palmer Coaching Psychology International 2016

Much of the emphasis of Authentic Leadership Development (ALD) is placed upon ethical leadership, but our research shows that there is an additional benefit to genuine ALD, namely an increased capacity for strategic leadership. In this article we aim to highlight this somewhat neglected benefit of ALD and demonstrate how Authentic Leaders...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
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The Future of Executive Coaching: Coaching With Appreciation through a 360 Degree Feedback Process

W Bergquist The International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2003

Executive coaching is a timely response to the postmodern challenges that face contemporary organizations. Executive coaching is also a human service field that holds great promise in the near future—especially when linked with one or more of three broad-based initiatives that are prominent in the landscape of contemporary organizational ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Contextual Coaching in Organizational Change or Seeing the Water We’re Swimming In!

M Taylor, J Westeinde International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2004

In this article, Taylor and Westeinde relate distinctive coaching approaches to an evolving landscape of demands for organizational change that continue to shape what we do as leadership coaches. Taking leadership (in contrast to custodial-oriented management) to be "the process of creating change to obtain results,"* the authors review k...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Organizational Coaching: An Invaluable Complement To Training and Education Programs

W Bergquist International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2004

This is the second in a series of three articles that is authored by William Bergquist. These articles concern the future of coaching in organizations. The first of these articles was published in the second issue of IJCO. It concerned the role that is played by organizational coaching in making 360-Degree Feedback processes more construc...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Thinking Outside Our Brains: Interpersonal Neurobiology and Organizational Change

L Page International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2006

Organizational coaching and coaching in general draw on a number of different fields and academic disciplines. There is another field of study that integrates several disciplines. stimulated by the past decade of intense brain research, this field is called “interpersonal neurobiology” (Siegel, 1999). by showing that our brain processes a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
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The Water We Swim In: A New Look at Cognitive Evolution

M Reynolds International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2006

Using research in cognitive development and decision theory, this article presents a new model of decision making that will help you understand both your own processes and why those you live and work with make the decisions they do. The focus is on viewing how the brain works when faced with making a decision, what factors hinder and help...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Coaching and Leadership In the Six Cultures of Contemporary Organizations

W Bergquist, V Brock International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2006

Over the past twenty years, one of us [Bill] has recognized the need for cultural analyses of organizations from the perspective of those who lead and work in these organizations. (Bergquist, 1993; Bergquist, Guest and Rooney, 2003, Bergquist and Pawlak, 2007) He assumed that those inside the organizations might welcome an understanding o...

Cites in Google Scholar: 12
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Natalie and John: A Narrative Perspective on the Future Hopes and Fears Facing Organizational Coaching

W Bergquist International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2009

Building on a hypothetical case study offered in a previous article in this issue of IJCO, Bergquist suggests ways in which the field of coaching—and the coaching relationship established between Natalie and John—might shift in coming years. The author traces out some of the implications associated with the world-wide challenge of hard ec...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
2.80 MB
The Future of Executive Coaching: Coaching With Appreciation through a 360 Degree Feedback Process

W Bergquist International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2003

Executive coaching is a timely response to the postmodern challenges that face contemporary organizations. Executive coaching is also a human service field that holds great promise in the near future—especially when linked with one or more of three broad-based initiatives that are prominent in the landscape of contemporary organizational ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
Building Capacities For Change: Wellness Coaching As A Positive Approach To Student Development

J Larcus, T Gibbs, T Hackmann Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2016

Professional coaching has expanded rapidly, and is becoming more common within higher education. Coaching programs provide support for student health and academic success but do not operate from a consistent philosophical position. This article articulates a distinct philosophical framework and approach to coaching initiatives for higher ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 22
Trusted Leadership Advisor: A Commentary On Expertise And Ethical Conundrums

R Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2017

This article represents Karol Wasylyshyn’s (see also Wasylyshyn, 2015) second installment in what I sincerely hope will be an ongoing effort to illuminate the theory and practice of executive coaching with the most senior leaders in organizations. In both of these articles, she has chosen to differentiate this work, carried out by what sh...

Cites in Google Scholar: 13
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Coaching, clients, and competencies: How coaches experience the flow state

B McBride 2013

This qualitative exploratory study examines how coaches experience the flow state, as defined by flow research pioneer Csikszentmihalyi. It further looks at the relationship between coaching competencies and coaches’ experience of flow. For this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with experienced coaches who are certified by the In...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
Transcending Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching and Supervision: A Model to Develop a Transpersonal Perspective

K Hirani Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2017

While it is not uncommon to react to ethical dilemmas in coaching with a reactive mindset looking for the “right answer”, this approach to dilemmas limits capacity to navigate them as a source of transcendence of conflicts. This paper explores how coaches and supervisors can develop an ethically mature and transpersonal mindset, which...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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What is the perceived contribution of coaching to leaders transitioning to more senior roles in the NHS?

A Gill International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017

This case study explores the contribution of coaching in addressing the adaptive challenges of senior leadership transitions from the perspective of leaders who have recently transitioned to more senior roles in the NHS. The findings reveal a clear perception from participants that coaching helped them through the critical phases of their...

Cites in Google Scholar: 7
Working At The Boundary: How Experienced Coaches Work With Intuition In Their Practice

C Sheldon EMCC Mentoring and Coaching Research Conference 2017

Practitioners and practitioner literature position intuition as a critical coaching skill – yet minimal empirical data supports its use evidence based coaching practice. This exploratory study examines how four experienced coaches work with their intuition in their practice, aiming to create a language or model to support discussion about...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Towards a Theory of Supervision for Coaching: An Integral Vision

P Pampallis-Paisley 2006

This research project was undertaken as a response to the compelling need for coaching to firmly establish itself as a profession of the highest standing. Supervision has been a way of ensuring best practice for the helping professions since the beginning of the twentieth century. The practice of coaching supervision is a new field of app...

Cites in Google Scholar: 2
Trust your gut, listen to reason: How experienced coaches work with intuition in their practice

C Sheldon International Coaching Psychology Review 2018

Objectives: Experienced coaches profess using intuition in their work. Practitioner literature positions it as a critical coaching tool. Yet minimal empirical data supports using intuition in evidence based coaching practice. This study looked to: add detail to the map of how experienced coaches work with their intuition in their practice...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
The Limits and Possibilities of a Person-Centered Approach In Coaching Through the Lens of Adult Development Theories

T Bachkirova, S Borrington Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2018

The person-centred approach is one of the most recognised and respected theoretical positions amongst coaches because coaching shares a number of fundamental principles with this approach, such as the centrality of clients’ experiences and the commitment to the idea that the client already is in possession of their own resources for growt...

Cites in Google Scholar: 19
Developing Leaders at Business Schools with Coaching Skills Aligned with the Goals of Responsible Management Education

D Aiken, S Van Coller-Peter Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2018

The invitation for higher education institutions to transform curricula in line with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) sets the background for this paper. In this paper the authors reflect on the viability of providing experiential leadership development in business s...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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Metaphor Magic in Coaching and Coaching Supervision

L Seto, T Geithner International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018

Metaphor Magic draws from symbolic modeling, systems theory, sandplay therapy, and Clean Language, and uses symbolic metaphors to support clients in coaching and coaching supervision. The Metaphor Magic Box contains small objects with which clients build and explore their metaphoric landscape in relation to a question, topic, or scenario....

Cites in Google Scholar: 27
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A narrative approach to coaching multiple selves

P Lawrence International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2018

According to many philosophers and psychologists, we are each not one, but many. The origins of multiplicity theories are briefly outlined before several contemporary theories are described in more detail. In this conceptual paper, it is argued that a multiplicity perspective of self, challenges us to think differently about coaching. Six...

Cites in Google Scholar: 14
Virtual Group Coaching: The Experience of Business Professionals in the Process

P Van Dyke 2012

Technology has changed the way we conduct business and interact with each other. Whether we are accomplishing tasks, completing projects, or enhancing our personal development, we are no longer confined to face-to-face encounters. Our society is becoming more and more reliant on virtual means to communicate and to conduct business. These ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 5
Integral Framework as a Systemic Foundation for Coaching

J Jakonen, M Kamppinen Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2018

Coaching as a combination of cognitive and behavioral techniques can be founded upon different knowledge bases, or frameworks. Like positive psychology or consulting psychology, coaching utilizes theories from developmental psychologies and other knowledge bases concerning human transformation. We argue that systemic coaching is best ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
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From "blind elation" to "oh my goodness, what have I gotten into"… Exploring the experience of executive coaching during leadership transitions into C-suite roles

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2019

A promotion to a more senior role brings an exciting yet challenging period in a leader's career. Using an interpretative phenomenological methodology, this study explores the experiences of six leaders who received coaching during recent transitions into C-suite roles (Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and direct reports) within global cor...

Cites in Google Scholar: 27
Winning the rodeo: How executive coaching helped an academic physician succeed in a senior-leadership role.

K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research in Orga... 2019

This article comments on an innovative case study in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, entitled “Transformation to Academic Leadership: The Role of Mentorship and Executive Coaching,” by W. Kimryn Rathmell, Nancy J. Brown, and Richard R. Kilburg (see record 2019-52290-001). The case study offers “a first-person account...

Cites in Google Scholar: 3
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Systemic Coaching Supervision: Responding to the Complex Challenges of Our Time

A Wright, M Walsh, S Tennyson Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019

A core challenge for coaching is to develop new paradigms that help coaches, and their clients, navigate today’s complex, interconnected and rapidly changing world. This paper explores the evolution of coaching to encompass a broader systemic, developmental perspective in response to ever increasing levels of complexity. We argue that...

Cites in Google Scholar: 6
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Team coaches’ experiences of coaching to develop conditions for shared leadership

A Ghosh International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2020

This paper explores how team coaches make sense of working within shared leadership situations. Adopting an interpretive research lens, an under-developed area of research within team coaching literature, the study reported captures team coaches’ experiences of coaching amidst decentralised hierarchies. The findings draw attention to how...

Cites in Google Scholar: 7
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The Value of Conceptual Encounter methodology in exploring women’s experience of identity work in career choices and transitions.

S Snape International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021

Conceptual Encounter, a constructivist research methodology, was first introduced by de Rivera in 1981. Its key output is a conceptualisation that contributes to an ‘ever-broadening map of human experience’ (de Rivera & Kreilkamp, 2006, p.24). As there are limited existing studies using this approach, the purpose of this article is to ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
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The Value of Conceptual Encounter methodology in exploring women’s experience of identity work in career choices and transitions.

S Snape International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2021

Conceptual Encounter, a constructivist research methodology, was first introduced by de Rivera in 1981. Its key output is a conceptualisation that contributes to an ‘ever-broadening map of human experience’ (de Rivera & Kreilkamp, 2006, p.24). As there are limited existing studies using this approach, the purpose of this article is to ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
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