Client-centered therapy: Its current practice, implications and theory
CR Rogers Houghton Mifflin 1951
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Regressive behavior in organizations is examined using a systems approach. Three organizational situations are identified that result in regressive behavior: dependency groups in which members perceive the leader as being omnipotent; pairings, or situations in which group members attach symbolic meanings to interrelations between 2 select...
Executive coaching requires the ability on the part of the coach to differentiate coaching from psychotherapy while using basic psychological skills and insights. It is usually short term and issue focused. At high executive levels, its success depends heavily on the consultant's knowledge about contemporary management and political issue...
The morality of transformational leadership has been sharply questioned, particularly by libertarians, “grass roots” theorists, and organizational development consultants. This paper argues that to be truly transformational, leadership must be grounded in moral foundations. The four components of authentic transformational leadership (...
To gain a better understanding of the new leadership challenges that diversity is bringing to organizations, the American Psychological Association provided an Interdivisional Grant to conduct a 1-day Leadership Diversity Summit (LDS). In January 2013, 15 leaders who were diverse across dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual...
Leaders and managers have been using coaching as one style of interacting with subordinates for years. It continues to be seen as an effective technique in creating both a healthy climate and enhanced performance. Specific research relating management’s use of coaching style and culture is sparse at best. However, research on leadership s...
Although excellent tools and methodologies for developing leadership skills/ competencies exist, there is an absence of a practical and easily teachable model for the development of leadership that is research-based, yet practical, and can be easily understood and applied by leaders, managers, and administrators. Starting with a definitio...