Coaching Today's Executive
S Cunningham Public Utilities Fortnightly 1991
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This article is an attempt to evaluate the appropriateness of the cognitive-behavioral approach for use in executive coaching engagements. The basic tenets of cognitive- behavior therapy, as well as its conceptual underpinnings, are reviewed. Following this, a discussion of how well the goals of executive coaching are met by a cognitive-b...
Coaching has become an important managerial instrument of support. However, there is lack of research on its effectiveness. The authors conducted a quasi-experimental study to figure out whether coaching really leads to presupposed individual goals. Sixty managers of the federal government were divided in two groups: one group followed a ...
This article introduces the 3rd Consulting Psychology Journal special issue on executive coaching and briefly examines the current status of the scientific knowledge base in the field. It compares the emergence of the empirical literature on coaching to the historical pathway created by psychotherapy and hypothesizes that research on exec...
To date there have been no universally accepted criteria for what constitutes a successful outcome in executive coaching. This has been partly a function of the range of activities undertaken within the coaching medium and partly the fact that commercial realities mitigate against controlled trials teasing out mediating and moderating var...
This article demonstrates that executive coaching efficacy can be measured empirically. It describes the application of C. P. Alderfer's & L. D. Brown's (1972) "Empathic Organic Questionnaire" to executive coaching by summarizing a case in which it was adapted and utilized, by detailing the instrument's construction and administration, an...
While executive coaching continues to mushroom as a practice area, there has been little outcome research. This article presents the results of a study that explored factors influencing the choice of a coach, executives' reactions to working with a coach, the pros and cons of both internal and external coaches, the focus of executive coac...
Executive coaching has become increasingly popular despite limited empirical evidence about its impact and wide disagreement about necessary or desired professional qualifications. This article examines the practice of executive coaching, investigating the useful underlying theories by reviewing previous research. It also provides a conce...