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References (16 in Portal)
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A survey of executive coaching practices.

D Peterson, J Bono, R Purvanova, A Towler Personnel Psychology 2009

Despite the ubiquity of executive coaching interventions in business organizations, there is little uniformity in the practices (e.g., assessment tools, scientific or philosophical approaches, activities, goals, and outcome evaluation methods) of executive coaches. Addressing the ongoing debate about the role of psychology in executive co...

Cites in Google Scholar: 506
Legacy reflections: Ten lessons about becoming an executive coach.

RJ Lee, MH Frisch Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2015

This article presents 10 important lessons about becoming an executive coach that the author gained in the course of a long career as a consultant, educator, and executive coach: (1) Shape your own set of best practices through multifaceted learning; (2) Convey a concise understanding of coaching; (3) Be clear about who is the client; (4)...

Cites in Google Scholar: 15
276 KB
A Work Behaviour Analysis of Executive Coaches

G Newsom, EB Dent International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2011

This study has three main purposes. First, it introduces the Executive Coaching Work Behaviour Survey and takes the initial steps in validating this instrument. It then explores the frequency of specific work Behaviours executive coaches use in their client interactions and examines the variability in these behaviours based on demogr...

Cites in Google Scholar: 49
Clients’ experiences of intentional personality change coaching

LS Martin, L Oades, P Caputi International Coaching Psychology Review 2015

Purpose: The main objective of this study was to explore clients’ experiences of participating in a structured intentional personality change coaching programme designed to facilitate change on client chosen personality facets. Design: A qualitative design, using inductive thematic analysis was employed to explore participants’ experi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 10
544 KB
From competencies to capabilities in the assessment and accreditation of coaches

T Bachkirova, C Smith International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2015

Organisations that use coaching programmes express their need for the assessment of coaches to ensure quality of provision. One solution to this need has been provided by professional bodies that assess coaches as part of their accreditation systems, often using competency frameworks. In this conceptual paper we open four specific deba...

Cites in Google Scholar: 114
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Awareness based technologies for leadership development: utilising Immunity to Change coaching

J Reams International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2015

This article presents a study of the use of Immunity to Change (ITC) coaching in an integrated leadership development programme as an example of awareness based leadership development technology. Constructivist developmental theories of leadership, self-awareness and the use of ITC coaching are reviewed. Findings from interviews with ...

Cites in Google Scholar: 32
A practice analysis of coaching psychology: Toward a foundational competency model

V Vandaveer, R Lowman, K Pearlman, J Brannick Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

This article presents results of an initial, empirically based professional-practice analysis (i.e., “job analysis”) of executive/professional development coaching by psychologists. This project was initiated in 2012 by the Society of Consulting Psychology (SCP) and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in a coll...

Cites in Google Scholar: 77
Model agility: Coaching effectiveness and four perspectives on a case study

C Kauffman, W Hodgetts Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

The effectiveness of coaching can be enhanced if coaches are familiar with multiple psychological models, can hold these in mind simultaneously, and are able to apply them as appropriate to their clients—a capacity we refer to as model agility. To illustrate this capacity we first explore some of its ramifications and parallels to the cha...

Cites in Google Scholar: 51
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A new model of sustainable change in executive coaching: coachees’ attitudes, required resources and routinisation

N Koroleva International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2016

The existing literature lacks theoretical and empirical research when exploring the phenomenon of sustainable change as a result of executive coaching. Despite the rapid growth of executive coaching, there is a disconnection between practice and academic research in assessing sustainable change. This means that reflective practitioners fa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
955 KB
How Coaches Spend Their Time: A White Paper for Coaches

J DiGirolamo, G Rogers, P Heink International Coach Federation 2016

There has been much research to determine the most important elements in coaching engagements. This research has resulted in competencies that guide coach training programs and inform coaches as they engage with clients. However, coaching competencies are only part of a coaching job—except for the rare instances when a coach has others to...

Cites in Google Scholar: 4
A large-scale study of executive and workplace coaching: The relative contributions of relationship, personality match, and self-efficacy.

E de Haan, A Grant, Y Burger, P Eriksson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016

This large-scale study of executive coaching explores the perceived effectiveness of coaching from the perspectives of coach, coachee, and sponsor, and potential active ingredients including the coach–coachee working alliance, coachee self-efficacy, personality, and “personality match” between coach and coachee. Using a retrospective desi...

Cites in Google Scholar: 309
3.18 MB
Inviting a Dialogue about Core Coaching Competencies

J Auerbach Third International Coach Federation Coaching Research Sympo... 2005

The process of International Coach Federation (ICF) coach credentialing and accreditation of coach training programs revolves around the individual coach, or the coach training organization, demonstrating sufficient muster in the eleven ICF core competencies. The ''Portfolio Committee" developed the eleven ICF core competencies in 1999...

Cites in Google Scholar: 17
433 KB
Reflective practice for coaches and clients: An integrated model for learning

A Hullinger, J DiGirolamo, J Tkach Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019

The literature on reflection, awareness, and self-regulation provides theoretical and empirical fruit for understanding self-processing mechanisms that enhance learning, growth, and performance. A literature review was conducted to explore the potential of reflection, awareness, and self-regulation as developmental tools for coaches. Fro...

Cites in Google Scholar: 23
106 KB
A Professional Development Study: The Lifelong Journeys of Coaches

A Hullinger, J DiGirolamo International Coaching Psychology Review 2020

Every coach is on a journey. The moment they enter a coach training programme or begin coaching, they enter a path of exploration with clients as well as beginning self-exploration, discernment and experiencing profound shifts. This study investigates that journey through the lens of professional development, expertise, and a way of being...

Cites in Google Scholar: 26
607 KB
Development of a Coaching Competency Framework

J DiGirolamo, J Tkach, G Rogers, C Abner, A Sinclair, P O'Sh... International Coaching Federation 2024

Introduction: Competency models should be kept up to date in order to ensure that they align with how the job is currently being performed. Method: This work describes a robust job analysis process that informed an update to an existing coaching competency model. More than 1,300 coaches from across the globe provided input to the job a...

Cites in Google Scholar: 0
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