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References (4 in Portal)
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Executive coaching: The need for standards of competence.

L Brotman, W Liberi, K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 1998

Psychologists working in the emerging competency area of "executive coaching" must promote a more complete understanding of what constitutes effectiveness in this arena—particularly when the expected outcome is sustained behavior change. Experienced psychologists must accept accountability for the need to inform and educate corporate deci...

Cites in Google Scholar: 335
Coaching versus therapy: A perspective.

J Blattner, V Hart, S Leipsic Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001

This article reports a study of current perceptions among professionals regarding therapy and coaching. Whereas therapy and counseling have been traditional fields of study and practice, coaching is not as well developed. It is helpful to examine the perceptions of practicing professionals in order to delineate the distinctions and overla...

Cites in Google Scholar: 300
Executive coaching: A comprehensive review of the literature.

S Kampa-Kokesch, M Anderson Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001

The author would like to indicate that unfortunately, Peterson’s (1993) dissertation on executive coaching outcomes was excluded from the original literature review conducted by Kampa-Kokesch and Anderson (2001). Later, Kampa and White (2002) stated that Peterson’s (1993) dissertation was excluded due to the programmatic nature of the coa...

Cites in Google Scholar: 899
Facilitating intervention adherence in executive coaching: A model and methods.

RR Kilburg Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2001

A review of the recent literature demonstrated that there are virtually no articles or research papers on the subject of intervention adherence or compliance in executive coaching. This article begins to address that deficit by presenting an 8-component model of coaching effectiveness that includes such elements as the coach--and client--...

Cites in Google Scholar: 274
Citations (4 in Portal)
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Executive coaching: An outcome study.

K Wasylyshyn Consulting Psychology Journal 2003

While executive coaching continues to mushroom as a practice area, there has been little outcome research. This article presents the results of a study that explored factors influencing the choice of a coach, executives' reactions to working with a coach, the pros and cons of both internal and external coaches, the focus of executive coac...

Cites in Google Scholar: 659
Legacy reflections: Ten lessons about becoming an executive coach.

RJ Lee, MH Frisch Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2015

This article presents 10 important lessons about becoming an executive coach that the author gained in the course of a long career as a consultant, educator, and executive coach: (1) Shape your own set of best practices through multifaceted learning; (2) Convey a concise understanding of coaching; (3) Be clear about who is the client; (4)...

Cites in Google Scholar: 13
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