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The enhancement of behavior modeling training of supervisory skills by the inclusion of retention processes

P Decker Personnel psychology 1982

Twenty-four first-line supervisors were randomly assigned to two behavior modeling workshops. The training was designed to improve the supervisors' skills in coaching and handling employee complaints. One workshop included both formalized symbolic coding and symbolic rehearsal processes (experimental group) and one did not (control group)...

Cites in Google Scholar: 158
Citations (1 in Portal)
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The effect of business coaching and mentoring on small-to-medium enterprise performance and growth

B Crompton 2012

This thesis aims to address the principal question of whether business coaching directly or indirectly enhances firm financial performance and growth. The present thesis incorporates four comprehensive and inter-related studies designed to investigate the contribution of business coaching to firm growth in cohorts of start-up companies an...

Cites in Google Scholar: 59
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