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Coaching Across Cultures

P Rosinski The International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 2003

If coaching is largely about shifting and expanding people’s perspectives in a way that they can translate into daily actions, then working with individual belief systems and assumptions is vital. Beyond these individual creeds, coaching has to explore the embedded collective paradigms, which feel to humans like the water that fish blissf...

Cites in Google Scholar: 583
Citations (3 in Portal)
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Coaching for career capital development: a study of expatriates’ narratives

R Salomaa, L Mäkelä International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017

This study explores, through stories, how coaching supports the development of expatriates’ career capital; it is the first empirical investigation in this area. A narrative analysis was conducted to explore semi-structured interviews. Coaching was perceived to support the development of career capital capabilities (‘knowing-how’, ‘knowin...

Cites in Google Scholar: 21
531 KB
Coaching a client with a different cultural background - does it matter?

A Roth International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017

In today’s global economy, executive coaches might increasingly work with clients from other countries. This article asks whether it is important for effective coaching to pay attention to cultural differences. Using a qualitative approach, the study explores which experiences 11 executive coaches had when coaching a client with a distinc...

Cites in Google Scholar: 18
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