Why leadership-development programs fail.
P Gurdjian, T Halbeisen, K Lane McKinsey Quarterly 2014
Sidestepping four common mistakes can help companies develop stronger and more capable leaders save time and money, and boost morale.
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Sidestepping four common mistakes can help companies develop stronger and more capable leaders save time and money, and boost morale.
Does executive coaching really work? Does it help improve leadership effectiveness and productivity? This action research study answers these questions by tracking the progress of 281 executives participating in a six-month coaching and 360 feedback process. The results suggest that the combination of multi-rater feedback and individual c...
In a randomised controlled study, 41 executives in a public health agency received 360-degree feedback, a half-day leadership workshop, and four individual coaching sessions over 10 weeks. The coaching used a cognitive-behavioural solution-focused approach. Quantitative and qualitative measures were taken. This is the first published rand...
This large-scale study of executive coaching explores the perceived effectiveness of coaching from the perspectives of coach, coachee, and sponsor, and potential active ingredients including the coach–coachee working alliance, coachee self-efficacy, personality, and “personality match” between coach and coachee. Using a retrospective desi...
The co-authors of this article have all been involved in a major organizational coaching program in a Canadian territorial government. Governments throughout the world typically face uncertain futures with regard to the funding of innovative programs, such as organizational coaching. This uncertainty can be at least partially confronted, ...
The worldwide effort to improve organizational performance through leadership development has been impressive, with huge sums of money being devoted to it each year. Unfortunately, the evaluation of the impact of leadership development has not kept pace, resulting in little evidence-based guidance for creating programs and interventions. ...
Leader development requires learning new ways of behaving, which takes sustained practice over time, yet organizations continue to focus their efforts in traditional classroom style workshops, spending billions of dollars in the process. This paper describes and interrogates a contemporary approach to leader development, that includes...