A Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
Coaching focuses both on facilitating goal attainment and enhancing well-being. Yet there has been little work
on developing models that integrate mental health/illness issues with goal striving. This is important because
many distinctions between coaching and therapy have been based on the supposed differing levels of
psychopathology ...
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A Grant The Coaching Psychologist 2011
Although models of how to structure coaching sessions are widely taught in coach training programmes there
has been little or no debate in the literature about the use of session structures, the teaching of them, or the
relative advantages or disadvantage of different specific session structure frameworks, and there have been
few links...
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K Gyllensten, S Palmer International Coaching Psychology Review 2007
Objectives: There is a lack of research on the coaching relationship (O'Broin & Palmer, 2006a). The current paper will present the findings from a qualitative study that explored experiences of workplace coaching including the coaching relationship.
Design: The study adopted a qualitative design and the data was analysed by Interpreta...
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L Oades Australian Academic Press 2005
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D Stober, C Perry Australian Academic Press 2005
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D Stober, A Grant John Wiley & Sons 2006
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T Theeboom, B Beersma, AEM van Vianen The Journal of Positive Psychology 2014
Whereas coaching is very popular as a management tool, research on coaching effectiveness is lagging behind. Moreover, the studies on coaching that are currently available have focused on a large variety of processes and outcome measures and generally lack a firm theoretical foundation. With the meta-analysis presented in this article, we...
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AM Grant, J Passmore, M Cavanagh, HM Parker, others Wiley-Blackwell 2010
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P Hawkins, N Smith McGraw-Hill Education (UK) 2013
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A Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2012
There is a considerable body of literature on goals and goal setting in the psychological literature, but little
of this has found its way into the scholarly coaching literature. This article draws on the goal-setting
literature from the behavioural sciences. It discusses a range of approaches to understanding the goal
construct, prese...
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AM Grant, L Curtayne, G Burton The Journal of Positive Psychology 2009
In a randomised controlled study, 41 executives in a public health agency received 360-degree feedback, a half-day leadership workshop, and four individual coaching sessions over 10 weeks. The coaching used a cognitive-behavioural solution-focused approach. Quantitative and qualitative measures were taken. This is the first published rand...
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W Carey, D Philippon, G Cummings Journal of Leadership Studies 2011
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C Gegner 1997
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J DiGirolamo 2015
Coaching can be an effective and integral component of leadership development programs. Popular among human resource professionals and clients, coaching facilitates leaders’ professional growth and helps to build a powerful team—from executives to first-line managers and team leaders. Coaching has a proven track record of success, and man...
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RH Elliott Evidence-based coaching: Contributions from the behavioral s... 2005
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L Drake II 2015
The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of the executive coaching experience among clients who use both face-to-face and technology-based mediated communication methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a 24-item instrument administered to 108 female (n = 56) and male ( n = 52) participants, ranging in age from 27 to...
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AM Passarelli Frontiers in psychology 2015
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AM Grant International Coaching Psychology Review 2006
Coaching psychology can be understood as being the systematic application of behavioural science to the
enhancement of life experience, work performance and well-being for individuals, groups and organisations
who do not have clinically significant mental heath issues or abnormal levels of distress. Although
psychologists have long act...
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372 KB
C McComb International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2013
ABC manufacturing is a large publicly listed manufacturer and distributor. The mission of the
organization is to deliver superior and sustainable returns through leading market positions in the
construction, resources and industrial markets. It recognizes that people are a distinguishing feature of
successful business and is committ...
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76 KB
P Ferrar International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2004
How do you define coaching and mentoring? What standards should apply? What
should a competency framework for a coaching role look like? The issue of
definitions and standards in coaching and mentoring circles is the subject of much
debate. A competence-based approach is appealing; clarity in the coaching process
would be helpful. But...
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A Habermacher, A Ghadiri, T Peters The Coaching Psychologist 2014
While writing our book Neuroleadership which explored the field of neuroleadership (combining neuroscience
with leadership) we came across the work of Klaus Grawe. His work in neuropsychotherapy and the
Consistency Theory he proposed we found to be particularly interesting and saw it as model that can be
applied in all systems within w...
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L Burns, E Gillon The Coaching Psychologist 2011
The paper explores the rationale for, and potential benefits of, the inclusion of a coaching psychology module
in an undergraduate psychology programme. In 2010 a coaching psychology module was introduced at
Glasgow Caledonian University, as an optional module for final year psychology degree students. Although
providing a strong acade...
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S Palmer The Coaching Psychologist 2007
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S Palmer, A Whybrow The Coaching Psychologist 2005
A large majority of Society members who voted for or against the proposal to set up a Special Group in
Coaching Psychology (SGCP) did not actually see the proposal on which they were voting. This is just an
anomaly of the way subsystems are set up within the Society. We have 14 versions of the working document
which gradually changed a...
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E de Haan International Coaching Psychology Review 2014
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to go to the heart of the consulting and coaching intervention and to
explore what is its core active ingredient. In earlier articles (De Haan, 2011 & 2012) I introduced two basic
ingredients in terms of their historical understanding: transference and reflective-self function. This article
hopes t...
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E de Haan International Coaching Psychology Review 2012
Purpose: In this study the phenomenon of reflective-self function is explored in terms of its historical
understanding – just as the phenomenon of transference was explored in terms of its historical
understanding in an earlier instalment (De Haan, 2011). As will be shown, reflective-self function is not
only demonstrably linked to sec...
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R Elliott International Coaching Psychology Review 2011
Purpose: Examination of the coaching psychology literature shows that discussion about leadership
coaching is disconnected from the scientific literature about leadership. Similarly, the latter has only recently
begun to consider how leadership is developed. This lack of cross-engagement between two relevant evidencebased
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A Weinberg International Coaching Psychology Review 2016
Objectives: The positive impact of coaching on a range of outcomes, including the well-being of those in receipt of it, has been highlighted by a number of published reviews (e.g. de Haan & Duckworth, 2013) and meta-analyses (e.g. Jones, Woods & Guillaume, 2015). The objective of this study was to assess the potential for coaching to act ...
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A Grant Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2016
This paper details material from 2 presentations given at the 2015 Society of Consulting Psychology Mid-Winter Conference in San Diego, California, which presented a summary of the coaching research conducted at the Coaching Psychology Unit (CPU) at the University of Sydney. The CPU was established in 1999 with a mission to enhance the pe...
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A Mouton International Coaching Psychology Review 2016
The purpose of this paper is to explore performance coaching in sport, music, and business. The paper begins by describing some of the popular, lay methods used by coaches in each field, many influenced by The Inner Game books of Timothy Gallwey. Next, the paper discusses the scientifically grounded theories, principles, and methods that ...
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A Killy, C van Nieuwerburgh, P Clough International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentori... 2017
This pilot study investigated whether combining Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) and kickboxing would progress the development of mental toughness compared to kickboxing alone. The data were derived from 28 participants who voluntarily took a four-week kickboxing course and completed the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48) a week bef...
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L Matthewman, J Nowlan, K Hyvönen International Coaching Psychology Review 2018
Reciprocal peer coaching (RPC) as a form of peer-assisted learning has an important part to play in formative assessment strategy. The primary objective of this article is to evaluate the effective use of RPC as a formative assessment strategy. A multi-method phenomenological research design was employed using purposive sampling. Seventy ...
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P Van Dyke 2012
Technology has changed the way we conduct business and interact with each other. Whether we are accomplishing tasks, completing projects, or enhancing our personal development, we are no longer confined to face-to-face encounters. Our society is becoming more and more reliant on virtual means to communicate and to conduct business. These ...
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A Wright, M Walsh, S Tennyson Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal 2019
A core challenge for coaching is to develop new paradigms that help coaches, and
their clients, navigate today’s complex, interconnected and rapidly changing world.
This paper explores the evolution of coaching to encompass a broader systemic,
developmental perspective in response to ever increasing levels of complexity. We
argue that...
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